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     Everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. I was reading this book earlier and there was a lot of mistakes I have gotten good at pretending they ain't there. I did notice a mistake but only because of the way my brain processed it.   Something simple it should have been the word mascara but it was written as mashkara. This didn't overly bother me but what did was I accidentally tapped the comment. Which was *lol*mashkara the lol might have been capitalized. I came straight here because I am still in my bitchy mood and was I was close to telling someone's brat off.
    Why does someone think its even the slightest bit ok to make fun of someone's mistake. This mistake could be because of different reasons
1) English isn't their first language 2) they might have trouble hearing and have misheard the word  3) it could be a typo that wasn't caught and lastly they don't know how to spell the word. Things like this happen to everyone and if you're perfect and never make mistakes because you somehow know everything, you still don't and never will have the right to make fun of another person. If your only intention was to point out their mistake then you went about it the wrong way.        I'm so angry over this and it wasn't even directed to me but I can only imagine how the author felt when they saw that comment.

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