Chapter 4

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Author's note: Work is absolutely exhausting and I work the paid holiday this week. Great, I'm tired but the paycheck was to much to resist. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Roger was grabbing at John's hand to catch his attention, which seem to work momentarily. John gave him wide eyes and sniffles slightly. His other hand came up and wiped away the tear that had fallen, and for some reason he found himself feeling braver knowing that Roger was right there.

The comfort lasted for seconds after that, as Roger decided to drag him down onto his lap. It was uncomfortable being on another man's lap, and John had certainly never been in a situation like this before. Somehow, he was less embarrassed then when standing. It probably had something to do with the fact that Roger was calmly shushing into his ear.

That didn't stop John from whimpering and squirming against the other man. He was worried about other people seeing him and Roger like this, for no other reason this shit could get a man beat up. The 70's were not the most understanding of times. He tried to stand back up but Roger just held him down. A hand came up to brush against his cheek, probably wiping away the tear line he had. John found himself leaning into that comforting hand, lovely the warmth it provided.

"Don't fight me John, you just bit through your lip and are definitely bleeding. Let me just grab a napkin for you. Geez, what has you so panicked? I told you would be safe here with me. Don't worry about anyone else baby, just think about you and me." Roger's voice was kind, and quiet compared to the room around them. Compared to even Roger's usually demanding tone.

Roger held him close and grab the napkins on the table just as he stated. He held it up to John's mouth, and put on a light pressure. It was a welcomed and gentle touch. All touches should be just like this one and John wouldn't have a problem with it. Where had Roger learn to be so kind? It stung a bit, but John remained calm and brave for Roger.

The blonde was quick to lightly mop up the small amounts of blood that it spilled from John's lip. Obviously trying to be gentle, incase he was in any pain. John wasn't, but very much appreciated those callused fingers dancing over his skin. They were welcomed after the mini panic attack he had just had. All of the comfort was. 

"You don't have to be so nervous around me Johnny, I'll make sure you're taken care of. Don't worry about the crowd, I'm here for you. If you would let me, I will always be there for you." Roger soothed at him in a kind voice.

John glance back and wriggled slightly on Roger's lap. He took in the way that Roger momentarily averted his eyes and was quick to grab ahold of John's hips. Curious move, for a man that had just pulled John to sit on his lap. Was he nervous about something all the sudden?

"What's wrong Roger?" John whispered, feeling a bit unsure. If Roger has spotted someone hostile coming toward them, he would surely tell John?

"Nothing babe, just don't want you to move around to much. You could fall off and get hurt." Roger tried to reason, but it sounded absolutely ridiculous. John snorted, appreciating the humor with the situation after that terrible moment he had just had.

"Please Roger, I'd fall like 6 inches and you definitely would catch me." John blurted out, feeling a bit confused at the sudden change of mood. It was welcome, any distraction right now a good one.

"Well look who's being all sassy now, are you feeling a bit better? Sitting on ole' Roger's lap does that to people." Roger said and John just knew that he had received a flirtatious wink along with those words. He was much to embarrassed to turn back and look at Roger with how red his face had turned.

"Bet you say that to everyone who'll give you the time of day Rog." He muttered and giggled feeling a bit better with his newly uplifted spirits. The blond always seems good for making John's day. Every time they seemed to be in the same room, Roger took special care of John. It's was nice to be treated like he was special.

"Well yeah, but I don't usually have to work this hard for it. It's okay though, because you're twice as gorgeous as anyone else I've ever tried to put the moves on. Beautiful and shy, that's the killer combination." Roger continued on like he wasn't telling another man seductive things. Then again, John had never asked if Roger swung both ways. He's never been asked his sexuality either and had thought it best to not say anything about the subject.

He liked the way that Roger's hand sat with a light grip on his hips, a comforting weight that perhaps showed proof that Roger had an interest in him. It didn't really surprise him. What did surprise him was the attention and compliments he was getting from Roger. They made him squirmy and red all at once, and more then that John appreciated Roger's friendship.

He hadn't gotten compliments from anyone in his life before, and certainly not after someone had seen him in full panic mode. Usually people avoided him after that or on one memorable occasion had been called an unnatural freak. John had locked himself away and cried for days when that had happened.

"Don't joke around like that Roger, you're making me blush." He said in a shy tone, biting down on his lip and taking a glance back at Roger.

Roger's eyes were fixated to the back of John's neck, seeming to be in a bit of a daze. John wiggles once more and gasped when he felt something oddly solid underneath him in a place that he wasn't expecting. He made a squeaking sound when his brain caught up with exactly what that thing would be.

God, Roger was actually turned on by his awkward flailing and panicked mood. John kind of liked it and even liked feeling that half hard cock nestle safely in between his butt cheeks when he swayed in place in just the correct movement. It made him feel powerful.

"You can believe in me Johnny, I'll take care of you. We'd be so great together Sweetie." Roger's tone was kind and calm.

John whimpered back in response and found his voice to whisper; "Don't like being called Johnny."

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