Chapter 17

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Author's note: This is it, the final chapter! This story was a ride and a half with how long it took me to write it. Thanks for all the love and encouragement everyone gave over the near year it took to write 17 chapters!

I'm both happy and sad it's over, but of course ready to move full force into the next Queen story I have outlined!

They sat in the cooling bathwater for a few more minutes, enjoying the afterglow. John loved the quiet between the two of them in the aftermath that had been their night. Had it been as mind blowing for Roger as it had been for him? John licked his lips and sleepily glanced over his shoulder at his partner.

"Was it good?" He questioned lightheartedly, but with a genuine interest in the answer. A little confirmation would go a long way in John's hyperactive kind and Roger had yet to disappoint him.

Roger snorted like the attractive man he was and reached up to rub John shoulders for a moment. "Yeah John, you were mind blowing Darling." Roger had a soft, happy looking smile that John had never actually seen on his face before now. Was this what actually being happy felt and looked like?

"Thought calling people darling was Freddie's thing." John said with a giggle in his tone, reaching up to play with Roger's shiny mess of hair.

Roger smiled sweetly back at John and kissed his cheek. The entire moment was going to be one of John's favorite memories from the night, even with every thing that had just transpired. It was just so natural between them.

John took note that he was was still leaned back against Roger, and the water was beginning to rapidly cool off. It was borderline unpleasant and John could now tell just how wrinkled his skin had become from prolonged time in the bath. John was also trying not to care about sticky between them, just out of waters reach that was cementing as they stayed together. A dampening to his good mood, be used somehow after all that he felt dirty. A good dirty though?

John reached for the wash cloth, which had ended up hanging over the edge of the tub and probably having the time of its life dripping onto the floor. Roger made a weird negative sound that John wanted to laugh at, as the blond made a fast move and grabbed the cloth instead. John didn't protest at all, letting Roger so as he wanted. He'd found that to be very enjoyable over the night anyways.

Roger washed away the left over fluid from their sexual acts and John sat immobile against him. It was nice to just stop for a moment and just let himself be taken care of. Roger was soft with him after, like he was suddenly afraid John would break. They still had a lot to talk about, but John both didn't want to be the one who started it and had no idea what to say. He instead slumped into a dream like state and allowed himself to be pampered.

Tonight hadn't gone that well, but he'd received his first hand job ever and a kiss (More then one!) from someone well out of his league. Soon the moment would be over and Roger would leave him alone, so John treasured it for a bit longer. He grabbed onto Roger's wrist and brought it to see mouth for one last delicate kiss. As the bath was coming to an end, would their supposed romance be as well? That thought made his heart ache, and he could only hope it wasn't true. Roger still wasn't saying anything.

Roger was quick to help John stand up when the water cooled beyond his optimal temperature. His legs felt shaky after sitting comfortable for so long. Time had felt frozen to John since they had entered his apartment, but apparently his body disagreed with that.

"Up you get Deaky, there's a lovely soft towel awaiting to cradle your body and all good boys need to be in bed before 4 am. You might turn into a pumpkin if we don't get a move on." Roger teased.

John just nodded back, not ready to find his voice just yet. He stood awkwardly when Roger also stood up and got out of the bath, bending over to pull out the plug. John didn't deny himself admiring the blond's ass. He figured he had earned a look with the acts that they had just committed. Judging by the wriggle he sassily received, he had been caught in the act with it too. John ignored that his face lit up red with embarrassment.

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