Chapter 12

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Author's note: I'm trying to stay positive while being inside, but it's taking a toll on my mental health. On the other side of things; three chapter in a week after months of not having one?

We so close to having some very naked boys! ;)

"Come on Deaky, there's no need to be nervous. We both have the same bits and are in dire need of some hygiene. You need help getting naked baby?" Roger asked egging John on. He didn't sound uncomfortable in any way, one would actually call the tone playful.

John puffed out his chest slightly and tried not to be intimidated by Rogers and uncaring attitude. Roger was just an insane person, because there was no other explanation to why such a confident person would exist. On top of that, why would he be doing something like challenging John like this? John let himself move finally because he was afraid to speak back at that moment.

He was closing the door to the bathroom for some sort of piece of mind and taking off his shirt before he had time to panic about it. John wished that he had thought about just shutting the door and not joining Roger inside the small room, but he had always been one to panic fallow orders. Did that mean that he had something wrong with him?

The cold air against his slight stomach made him come back to an anxiety filled reality. John couldn't believe that he had just taken his shirt off in front of this skinny stick of a blonde. His slightly pudgy belly look terrible in front of strong arms and flatness. His arms twitched and he shook as he attempted to cover himself up with a hiccup. Why would he do that without thinking? Fuck, his heart was beating so fast that it felt like he was gonna pass out.

He trembled at his own comparison. What was Roger thinking about John's disgusting body next to his own? God, why would he ever put himself into this terrible situation. Hadn't he already agreed with himself that another person would never see him naked and therefore it was alright how he looked under his clothing? This absolutely went against that rule.

He sniffed like he was about to cry and Roger descended upon him. They're naked chest touched as Rogers swung him forward into a hug. Roger stood strong as John trembled against him. This skin to skin both made it to much and so much better for John's anxious mind. He'd never made contact with another person like this, but Roger was somehow making him feel safe despite the panic.

"God John, don't be so nervous. It's just me. I'm here to take care of you." Roger soothed. His voice was gentle and a pitch higher then he normally spoke. Like he was trying extra hard to not be in anyway threatening to John.

"M'fat." John sniffled out in distress. He had pretty much spit out those words and had sounded more slurred then most drunks that John had ever been witnessed to. Had that really been his voice?

Roger was having none of John's self deprecation and scoffed light as he massaged John's back the same time. The motion was nice, mostly because of Roger's rough hands. The callouses touched John's sensitive back and he had to shutter to stop himself from letting out any type of sound.

"You know what would make you feel better baby? And nice warm bath with just the two of us. I'll wash your back and we can just relax." Roger murmured soothingly well moving his hand away from John's back and choosing instead to stroke down John's stomach.

A calluses drummer's hand reaches out and touched his soft flesh and John whined at the feeling. A blush was coated over both of the boys, like they were equally aware that this wasn't a friend thing to be doing. John couldn't help but wonder if Roger had somehow planned this all along. Roger didn't back down and John wasn't surprised at that fact by this point in the night. He instead let himself enjoy that warm human touch on his skin.

Roger started to rub soft circles and John had the inhale deeply at the feeling. "You don't have to be nervous babe, you look gorgeous." Roger flirted with a small smile. John took a second to realize just how much he liked being called baby or babe. Like an unsettling amount that John had no doubt he would never be able to voice to another person.

John glance away momentarily to notice how full the bath had become. He broke a way to turn it off and noted almost unconsciously that Roger let him go with out a bit of struggle. Like He truly only wanted John in his arms in John actually wanted to be there. Huggers were weird.

John was so distracted inside his own head that he missed the way that Roger checked out his ass from behind. He turned the water off and checked the temperature, immediately liking how hot Roger had chosen. It did look invitingly toasty, but could he really get in with Roger? What was the point of both of them sharing a bath anyways?

Slightly and yet strong arms came forward and wrapped around his torso, hugging him from behind. John yelped slightly and then felt a bit stupid because the only person it could have possibly been was Roger.

"You know, as nice as the state jeans are I'd much rather see them on the floor." Roger was grinning as he was speaking and John could tell that because Roger's lips were literally against the skin of his back.

There was zero space between the two of them. John didn't feel panicked about this for some reason though. He in fact, suddenly had a much clearer mind than he had had in probably the entire night. It was strange, but John could reason that the heat and beginning sense of familiarity with Roger's body was keeping him calm.

John didn't understand Rogers need to flirt whatever he opened his mouth. And John's opinion he should've stayed at the bar, it would have been many easier back with there. Those women would be much more receptive to his flirtatious ways. They would know how to move back against the blond or how to compliment Roger back. Instead John stood limp and semi-compliant in Roger's grasp.

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