Chapter 15

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Author's note: So I went back to back today, as one does in the middle of a pandemic. Someone's apparently still got to do paperwork.

Enjoy the long chapter of the finally beginning sexy times. ;)

John couldn't help but think Rogers flirtatious personality had the ultimate goal of making his night as embarrassing as possible. For what purpose would Roger want John to touch his dick, especially with all of those beautiful people lined up for a simple chance to be with him? John never liked when people would make jokes like that; what if John had done something insane like believed him? He shivered despite being in warm water, what was Roger doing to him?

"Don't joke around Roger, you don't want me." John said breaking the silence for the first time since stepping into the tub. He didn't turn around so he missed the shocked and disappointed look on Roger's face.

"Do you even know how beautiful you are?" The question sounded a bit confused, like he was shocked that John didn't believe it to be true. John resisted the urge to blush farther at the outfield compliment. He would not be playing into this game, not when he had already come so from out of his comfort zone tonight.

John snorted unattractively, but without care in the world. What did he care about unattractive tendencies when he looked like himself? This was all a joke.

"Open your eyes Roger, I'm not attractive. I'm a mess that's incapable of even making friends. People don't like me Rog; they don't flirt, they simply avoid." John tried his best to explain to make Roger understand.

Roger seemed to have put him on a pedestal and he had to make the blond realize how untrue that was before he didn't live up to those expectations. Roger made a wounded sound in the back of his throat, but John shook in his head. He needed another moment or he was going to get all worked up again.

"Don't argue." John urged through gritted teeth, as he would not let Roger sooth him on this. It was okay, he'd excepted that people didn't like him and he didn't fit in. He didn't need those people to like him either, John liked himself just fine the way he was. Most days, anyways.

It was shocking for John to realize that he'd both actually just stood up for himself and reverted Roger's flirtation for the first time ever. It was sort of a powerful feeling, but in the end it just gave him a headache. What if Roger didn't flirt anymore? He felt sorry and hoped he hadn't ended their pretend night prematurely. There wasn't a way for him to apologize correctly, so instead of more words, John leaned back and let himself feel both the water and Roger's hands on his body.

A hand free of the cloth but very warm from hot water came up and tweaked John's nipple, like that was the next logical move. John hissed and arched into into, not knowing what he should do in response. It felt nice though, in a weird and unexpected way. He couldn't help but hum when Roger's thumb rubbed soothingly next, alleviating the previous sting.

"Fuck John, that's not true at all! You're beautiful and we're all your friends. That's why we chose you to play bass, because we all liked you. And that a really rare thing, because we never fucking agree on anything!" Roger soothed back, stroking up and down John's arms as he spoke. It was strange because he voice sounded like he couldn't hold it back anymore.

"And I don't think you're inadequate. In fact, I got quite a few kinks and you're meeting a lot of my standards. That tiny cock of yours is turning me on in ways that I didn't even think I could be." Roger was quick to add on.

John flushed red at the comment on his cock and squirmed against the blond's hold. "Roger, my cocks not even that small, I think it's yours that's just massive! It's really n-not even fair to compare them." John whined, well attempting not to violently squirm in the blond's grasp. If water ended up all over the floor he'd have to clean it up and probably relive those last few sentences from Roger over and over again in his head. No thank you.

"Okay, I've got a big dick. You've caught me." Roger said with a massive grin. Like John had just given him the biggest compliment he could have received.

"Roger don't joke around with me please." John whispered softly. Roger really never lost that flirty charm, and it was starting to mess with his head. He swore the blond hadn't been this bad at the bar earlier tonight. Not to everyone else at least.

"Babe, I wouldn't joke about that. Wiggle those hips back an inch and you'll feel what I'm talking about." Roger answered easily. His hands groped down John's sides, farther then he thought the blond would far to go. It was almost ticklish, but John didn't laugh from the tingling sensation. One could call it out right sexual.

John wasn't sure what gave him the courage to do what was said, but he did it none the less. He came in contact with a hard object that bent easily and sat heavily against his lower back. Roger groaned in a way that made made John jolt for a second. It was suddenly very clear to John what was happening and he tensed up. Was he really jumping back against Roger's hard dick? This was practically an out of body experience.

No words were spoken for a while as John took in the legs that bracketed him in. They seem to be keeping him in the safe enclosed space and spread in a way that gave John the most room possible. He appreciates the notion and ran his fingers over the blond's knee cap, liking the way that Roger's breath hitches upon John's touch. The powerful feeling from before returned in full force and fueled John on with this whole escapade.

He stroked soft and warm skin in circular patterns, zoning out and not even thinking about that knee being one that wasn't attached to him. Roger sat quietly behind him, with hitched breath. John was touching him in his own absentminded ways and not even caring about the dick that throbbed for him.

John clued back in when a hand gripped at his wandering fingers and kept them still against Roger's leg. John automatically whimpered when his movement was restricted. He wasn't done exploring and wanted to touch more. He wanted more.

"John it's okay, just lean back and wiggle those sinful hips instead." Roger practically ordered, gripping their fingers together.

John took note of the situation; he was holding hands with Roger while sitting between the man's legs. He could feel a large, hard cock pressed against him and Roger had now made two separate requests that he rock back against it.

He leaned his head against Roger's shoulder in a way that arched himself back and showed off his front. The sound that Roger made when he did so made John feel powerful. It also caused a sensation of burning red heat to shoot throughout his body. Was this what it was like to be turned on by another person? John liked it a lot more then he thought he would.

The bending motion also budged his ass out on a way that had that erection slipping down slightly to lay against his crack instead. The pressure there was a weird and almost unexpected sensation; John found he loved it. Roger was solid against his body, and letting him do as he pleased. A complete turn from how pushy he had been all night before this. John liked that Roger let him set the pace.

John rocked back because Roger had asked him to and wondered if he got the blond off if he would leave John's home and never look back. His lip trembled at the terrible thought, but he rocked back again because it felt good for him too. Why would that terrible social anxiety that followed him around have to intrude on this? Couldn't John just be peaceful and feel good for once in his life?

That was a weird thought anyways, he wasn't a woman and didn't need Roger to respect him in the morning. Except they were in a band so they kind of needed respect between the two of them. Maybe he should stop rocking back?

Roger reached down to grasp at John's hip, pulling him back rather forcefully against his cock. The water in the tub splashed with the motion, but didn't go over the edge. What it did do was lick at John's exposed nipples that had been freezing in the air and the sensation made him full body shutter. Fuck, that was nearly as good as Roger's hand touching them.

"Roger." John whimpered out, sounding more breathless then he had expected too. This was a new experience for him and a bit scary; even in the calming bath water. He was starting to feel a bit freaked out and in over his head. He didn't even really want to stop, just needed Roger to give him a little bit more reassurance. The silence was killing him.

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