Chapter 14

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Author's note: And in this chapter Roger makes a move. :D Also, enjoy the awkward moment that I just had to include. Like, who said romance was a perfect thing ;)

"W-wait." John cries out almost desperately, everything moving to fast and somehow to slow. He'd much prefer for Roger to strip first, but would never be able to say those words out loud.

Roger didn't listen, but that wasn't surprising at this point. Roger seems to be an all or nothing kind of guy. He all but ripped the shorts off, revealing John to the whole tiny room. Alright, it was just to Roger in a tiny and closed off bathroom but John still quaked with embarrassment.

John squirmed and once he was able to catch his bearings, was quick to cover his cock. He could tell it was too late and Roger had saw him. He felt like crying all over again. A deep breath in and one out did nothing to help. John couldn't even fiddle his hands like he very much liked doing because he was covering his goods. Fuck, how could he have let himself be exposed like this?

"John you don't have to hide, you're perfect." Roger sounded breathless as he reached over to grasp at John's hands and slowly brought them away from his body. Then there he was, fragilely exposed and in plain sight for Roger. He didn't have any pubic hair and his limp prick looked tiny nestled against tight drawn testicles. He had seen enough porn to know that he was under average. This was so embarrassing.

John trembled under the weight of his embarrassment, but finally took notice of how Roger's eyes swept over him with a clear want in them. That look gave John a sudden sense of power and he didn't bother to fight against Roger grip. He also didn't cover himself back up when Roger slowly let go of his wrists. The damage was already done and if John was ever going to trust Roger, he figured now would be the time.

Roger inched away to peel off his own underwear and John got an eyeful of why so many people were looking to sleep with Roger. The man was well endowed with a neat little patch of brown to frame the top and side of his shaft. For some reason spit pooled into John's mouth as he dared to look at Roger's gorgeous cock. It was hard for him to look away and John wasn't even sure why. Everything was wonderful and confusing at that moment.

What lucky man. John felt inadequate while standing in the same room as him and want to go hide under his covers, far away from the situation. It would be easier to do that then to meet Roger's eyes again, rather then staring at his dick. God, what was wrong with him? Friends didn't stare at friends dicks to his knowledge.

Roger didn't let him go anywhere. Instead Roger carefully reached his hand forward and grabbed onto his, squeezing tightly. Like he just somehow knew that he needed to guide John and help him to step into the tub. John found it so much easier to simply to comply then to think by himself.

The hot water automatically felt amazing against his tense muscles and John sighed from the pleasant feeling before sitting down. He closed his eyes and treasured the quiet moment, ignoring the fact that it wasn't actually private. Nothing was private at the moment, but he almost liked the way that Roger didn't let go of his hand. John found he liked that little human connection.

Roger was right , they did need to have a bath. John hummed with delight as he was settling into the water and finally opened his eyes. He was about at level with Rogers dick like this, but the warmth form the bath had already turned his skin pinkish so his blush was probably disguised. He was grateful for small mercies.

After checking that John was comfortable, Roger carefully stepped into the tub himself and settle down behind the younger man. It alarmed John from the second he realized Roger's intentions as he had been thinking they would be sitting across from each other. Leave it to Roger to always somehow throw John off guard.

John tried his best to ignore the awkward moments of feeling Roger's exposed skin while he tried to get in the tub. It wasn't easy when the blond dick touched his shoulder. John held his breath for a moment at the accidental touch and Roger also said nothing to make it easier. The only plus was how red Roger's face turned at his own mistake. John giggled a bit historically at his entire situation.

Roger snuggled down against the back of the porcelain tub and pulled John back against his chest. This was happening, they were in the bath together. John continued with his giggles and reached back to pat Roger on the shoulder as reassurance. That dick touch obviously hadn't been what Roger had meant to do and John didn't want the blond to be embarrassed. That's what friends did right?

The bath was nice and hot, a bit hotter than he would have dared to pour for himself. He knew that he had tested the temperature earlier, but admittedly had been a bit distracted. At least it wasn't burning hot, but John was sure he would have noticed that the first time. Roger couldn't be that distracting. He just couldn't.

It was nice and in those first few quiet minutes he didn't even care that he had company. The flat chest behind him was nice to lean back against. Not an everyday pleasure that John got to experience, but it would be nice to simply install Roger in to always have this lovely comfortable and safe feeling in his home. He didn't voice this opinion out loud, but smiled to himself about it.

Normally John would have tied his hair up so it wouldn't get wet, but with Roger there that prospect was been a bit too embarrassing. Long hair was nice until you had to admit that you owned a purple hair band and only wore it in the comfort of your own home. He like the way it looked, but wasn't nearly ready to share that with anyone else. Something in the back of his mind told him that Roger would probably love it. Maybe next time he'd show him.

A hand came up and soothed over John's chest as he laid back, pliant against Roger's whims. Enough time had passed that Roger had apparently gotten over his awkward moment and was back into the notoriously flirty mood that he just always seemed to have. John was secretly happy that he bounced back so fast.

A wash cloth came up and John wondered when Roger had had time to dig through his cupboards for it, because he certainly didn't leave those things just sitting out. Roger hushed in his ears and rubbed lightly with the cloth in a circular motion. The cloth swept over his chest and warm heat caressed his sensitive nipples, scratching in a consistent way that made John think that Roger was doing it on purpose.

"How does that feel baby? Do you like the hot water against you? I can feel you squirm and if I pushed back a bit further you'd be squirming against my dick." Roger growled.

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