Chapter 16

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Author's note: Okay, we finally reached the smut chapter :) Who's excited? Anyways, we are actually coming to the end of this lovely story. I think I have an idea for the next one also staring John but it might be a bit weird.

"It's okay John, you don't have to feel scared. I'm here for you, I'll make you feel good." Roger parroted back and let his hand trail back up from John's hip, to brush over his neck instead.

Roger kneaded his knuckles into John soft warm skin for almost a solid minute and then lean forward to place a small kiss on his shoulder. "You're so good John, but I want you to know that if you want to stop we can stop. Don't do anything you'll regret for me." Roger soothed quietly, continuing his message.

John really appreciated those kind words in a way he had never expected to. All this time he had thought Roger was pushy and it had actually been all up to John? John took that knew found power to take one of Roger's hands and drag it down his body. He led it astray to the exact place he desperately wanted it in. Roger's open palm turned into a fist around his member in a fast and overwhelming motion.

John moaned like he never had before and it just encouraged Roger to squeeze around his cock instead. John's body flung back almost instantaneously and he narrowly avoided smashing into Roger's nose. That would have been a quick end to a very good moment. Roger didn't let up, placing a kiss to the side of John's neck and stroking his thumb up the side of John's length.

John jolted with a gasp and in his squirming moment; humped back harshly against Roger's hard problem. He had never had someone else touch him before and it was mind blowing. He turned his head and despite the awkward angle, they kissed for the first time. It was sweet and breathtaking all at once.

Lips slide against one another, almost slick with the hot moisture that came along with the bath. A trace of tongue had John panting desperately against Roger, automatically seeking more. It was so like Roger to give him a teasing flick that set his skin ablaze; even during their first kiss.

Their teeth clacked lightly as John tried to turn more and get more of his mouth on Roger. It's wasn't even awkward in John's mind. He just wanted more. They parted to breath against one another and made eye contact for the first time in awhile. John's heart pounded fast and Roger's hand still rubbed against his cock.

A whine left his mouth at the stimulation his dick was getting while Roger took the opportunity to rock against him. It was bridging on overwhelming, but he never wanted it to stop. Fuck, John could image Roger doing this to him back stage before a show in what could nearly be described as a different life time. The image was so sweet on his mind.

"Does it feel good for you? Fuck, you feel great against me John. Wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you. You're so fucking gorgeous, it's like you were made for me." He rattled off, Roger clearly as effected by the situation as John was.

John liked that Roger wasn't calm, enjoyed the hot gasps against his throat. Roger licked and nipped John's skin red, for no other reason then the opportunity was there. John's mouth hung open as his eyes tried to twitch shut at the sensation. He was going mad with desire, a feeling that he hadn't even registered before tonight. His cheeks were flushed as he turned his head and gracelessly bit down on Roger's lip. He liked how Roger helped in response, but continued to gaze at him lustfully.

"Kiss me again Roger." John demanded easily, even if his ears were tinged red.

The hand not touching John cock came up to grasp at his neck, holding him firm but not choking. Air was difficult like that, but he allowed Roger to move his head to how the blond wanted it. Pressed up against him and panting warm as John's cock twitched with sexual sensation. It was almost to much and yet not quite enough.

Roger moaned out in a high pitch while beginning to thrust harshly against John. They were both already exhausted from the night and it wasn't going to take much for either one of them to get there. John wasn't even sure how long this kind of thing should last, but it just seemed to soon to be over.

Their lips met again as Roger let go of his hold on John's neck and instead let his fingers sweep over the younger man cheek. When his hand disappeared downward, John choked into the kiss. Roger groped and tugged at John's ass cheeks in a lewd motion.

"Let it happen babe." Roger muttered against John's lips, licking in afterwards.

Tongue's met in a moment of passion, slickly sliding against one another. Noses bumped awkwardly, but it only caused the two of them to smile. John broke the kiss apart only to let out a startling load moan as Roger squeezed his cock just a tad to tight.

He liked the way Roger practically purred as he rocked back against him, even going as far to reach a hand back and rub it against his side. Roger made loud sounds and moved in big exaggerated movements, just like he did in every day life. John wouldn't have wanted it to be any different. He was rescuing the end of this dance very quickly now and knew that he would crave this again. Would Roger let him have this again? More, if perhaps he asked sweet enough?

John came when Roger squeezed his cock and bit down on his neck. No one had ever done that before and it was going to leave a mark. A good mark for John to be able to look in the mirror and admire. Fuck, he'd never been able to sing but he felt like he was doing just that in those last few moments. Like Roger was playing him like a tightly strung instrument.

He leaned back to kiss Roger again as he caught his breath. Roger had yet to let go of his still throbbing member and it was making his skin sizzle. Practically like he could go again, even if Roger hadn't had a chance to get off yet. Was that natural?

"Can we do that again?" John asked automatically, licking his lips and smiling a lazy smile. His entire body felt good and he felt relaxed. It was nice to settle to the beat of Roger fast thumping heart. Maybe next time he felt panicked, John would just ask to lay on top of Roger. Maybe he'd ask for more then that.

"Right now? Might hurt if I just keep going baby. Leave that for another time." Roger soothed and kisses up the side of John's face.

John pouted at the answer, but didn't say anything more about it. He didn't want pain, not this time at least. Though, this wasn't actually over yet. He could still feel Roger hard and wanting against his body. Ready for another touch. Suddenly John's world narrowed to being all about getting Roger off.

They were in this together now and John found the courage to reach back to grasp the blond's throbbing dick. It was definitely different to hold someone else's dick in his hand, but there was something about how Roger's breath caught in his throat that spurred John into continuing.

"Like that?" John asked, voice light and extra sweet. The tone wasn't even intentional, but he liked the way it made Roger shiver.

"Fuck, yeah babe. Deaky, my baby. You're so good." Roger was clearly close, rattling off short sentences and pretty much chanting John's name.

John leaned slightly and caught his mouth against Roger's collarbone. He let his teeth scrape and then sucked hard, allowing the skin to redden to his might. A mark for Roger to look at, one so he could remember just what he had done to Deaky this night.

A few practices movements of his wrist was all it took for Roger to join him over the edge. Roger for the first time during the whole experience felt unsteady against John, and he welcomed it. During a moment such as this, John didn't mind being the strong one. Not for a few minutes anyways.

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