Chapter 3

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Author's note: It's been a very long week. Which mean I need to write some adorable Dealor to get me through. Hope everyone enjoys!

John was physically stuffed into a small booth with Roger practically sitting on top of them. He whimpered a bit but even though Roger gave him a funny look, he didn't move. If anything Roger seemed to slink closer and lean in. Not giving John any personal space to breath at all.

"Roger, you're so close." John could help but whimper out and squirm uncomfortably. This man was going to have to learn the concept of person space if they were going to be friends. John would prefer if they weren't touching at all to be honest.

"Don't worry about it Love, if I'm this close no one else will dare touch you." Roger said with a grin. John admittedly liked when one of the boys gave him a cute nickname, but had never been referred to as Love before. Like, ever in his life before. What's worse is that Roger seemed like he was generally trying to help. If they practically sat in each other's laps then there would be no room for others and their wandering hands to come at him.

Moments later, a drink was stuffed into his hand and it definitely wasn't beer. He sniffed at it, shuttering at the strong smell. This wasn't something that he would normally drink, but that also wasn't something he could just say to Roger. The blond was staring at him expectantly. John could feel himself start to sweat, feeling the pressure. His lip wobbled slightly and he glanced away from Roger to try and get his bearings.

John briefly wondered how Roger had managed to get them drinks so fast, it was like he had a groupie on standby for alcohol. He wouldn't put it past Roger. It was surprising, because Roger also said he didn't have to drink. He'd never told anyone what they wanted to drink and John was worried for his own safety while looking at the drink in front of him.

"Roger, you said it was fine if I just sat with you. I'm not so sure drinking is a good idea." John's voice was soft, and a bit shy. Roger had already bought the drink clearly, and John was going to have to drink it. Such a waste of money if he didn't. His mom hated when he waisted money on anything and he could practically hear her scolding him. Roger bought him something so man up and drink it.

Roger pouted about it clearly a bit upset that John didn't want to get drunk. John gave him a bit of a grimace when he took a sip of the concoction. He nearly gagged at the taste and immediately noted that he couldn't even tell what alcohol it contained. A mix of many most likely. He whimpered without even meaning to and bit at his lip from the embarrassment.

John was sure Roger would laugh when he found that he had to shake his head to regain the ability to speak. The blond instead looked upset when he opened his eyes back up. "Wha- the matter?" John's voice was high pitched and squeaky, giving away how much the horrible drink affected him.

"Ah Dear, I'm so sorry they brought you something so strong. I'll get you something else. How about a beer or something fruity?" Roger said with a frown present on his face. He looked even more upset then when John had said he didn't want to drink. Man should make up his mind.

John physically shrunk in on himself and hunched over; this was humiliating. "I don't want any trouble." He whispered and tightened his grip on the disgusting drink. He felt like crying. Was it the combination of the tiny bit of alcohol after someone touching him inappropriately that had him feeling this way? John hated it and he still wanted to go home.

Roger's eyes were soft and so was the gentle touch to his shoulder. "John, it's no trouble at all. I'll just drink that and we'll make sure you get something you'll like." John took a moment to look into Roger's eyes and he almost wished he hadn't. They were full of love and John wasn't sure he was ready to face that.

There was no arguing with Roger, or at least John didn't have the energy to do so. He simply nodded with defeat and pushed the terrible drink over to Roger. Who downed it like water and wrapped his arm around John's shoulder. That was probably meant to be comforting. It wasn't.

John felt a bit pathetic as Roger kept his arm secure and called over to a roaming waitress to get him a new drink. At least John hopes she was a waitress and not someone that Roger just charmed into doing this for him. John felt a bit humiliated knowing that someone else knew he couldn't handle such a strong drink. Was there something wrong with him?

"Think I'm gonna just go Roger, don't wanna keep you from the ladies after all." He muttered, trying to get up and away from the situation. He felt jittery and upset, and had definitely had enough of this night.

Roger held him still and blocked his way out, "Don't leave just yet Deaky, I want to get to know you. You're not going to sneak away as easily tonight." Roger said with a grin. John felt his heart stutter and he bit his lips, tasting blood.

John twiddled his thumbs nervously and darted his eyes to and from Roger several times. This was driving him crazy, and now he had to take notice of how the terrible drink hadn't even made Roger blink funny. "It's too loud and there are too many people here." John managed to say, still trying to stand up.

Roger looked a bit alarmed at his words and actually let him go this time. John stood up in the booth still blocked by Roger and the wall. He felt cornered in an instant and John breath hitches as he tried to breath deeply. This wasn't good at all, it didn't even feel like he was getting oxygen. His finger tingled with a bit of protest and John had to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. John was much to nervous to push past Roger and now was regretting standing up. It was just bringing attention to himself in the dark room.

John closed his eyes and took a shaken gasp of air. What even was happening to him? John turned towards Roger, with the panic present in his eyes. He was suddenly worried that he was going to pass out in this dingy little bar, and would wake up in an unknown place all alone. A single tear made its way down his cheek and John whimpered. This was scary and he had made some poor decisions. Roger must think he's crazy.

He needed someone to save him.

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