Chapter 7

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Author's note: Well you know how it is, things get a bit worse before they get better. Don't worry though because next chapter will totally be the one were things take a turn for the better.

All of the sound in the bar seem to be much too loud, it was an unreasonable time before John found his voice. "I'm John, I play bass." That's all that came out and he could tell that the women were both uncomfortable and growing  increasingly bored with them. Or maybe, it was just him because John didn't think that anyone could have that attitude towards Roger. Maybe if he was especially lucky, they would leave them alone.

John wiggles uncomfortably on the blond's lap and was this time unsurprised that Roger was quick to hold him down. The women looked a bit disgusted and John had to feel ashamed about that. This wasn't the type of thing that one would do in public. He'd spent his whole life trying to be a good boy and now he was definitely not being good. Shit, he had to save this situation somehow.

"I, ahh- think you're both pretty." John tried to lamely compliment. It wasn't sincere at all but he knew they didn't care. He was just in the way during this situation. John leaned back against Roger without thinking about it and witnessed the little pleases sound Roger made as he did so. The blond was such a weird guy.

Much to John's surprise, and his happiness Roger was quick to wave the girls away at that point. The blonde explained that he wasn't going with them right now. The women cleared away looking a bit upset and John match the feeling. He had bite down on his cheek to not panic at the glares and side looks he was now getting.

A feeling of panic bubbled. "I'm such a mess, sorry for everything. Let me go home and jus tell Freddie I quit." He breathed out upset at himself and the world.

Roger looked upset in that moment as well, gripping him even tighter than he did before. "What? You can't quit Deaky. We sound amazing together and you're already part of the group. We all love you, it doesn't matter that you're a bit awkward." Roger spoke fast like he was afraid that John was going to up and disappear on him.

Roger looked a bit confused, like he didn't understand what John was even talking about. Life must of been so easy for him, Roger never seemed to let people down. John was jealous of that and desperately wanted to be more like the blonde. To be able to just pull someone onto his lap and not care about staring eyes. To hold them close in a not even sexual way, like it was the most natural thing.

"I make people uncomfortable and that's going to be a problem, Bri see you guys are going places." John rattled back fighting what Roger said. There was know way it was true anyways, people didn't just love freely like that in reality. John had never even had people want to be his friend before and now Roger was spouting shit about love. He didn't believe it.

"Well I like you and want you to stay. Besides, you're like Fred's new baby, he won't let you just quit." Roger countered back at John. Hugging John close from behind, and trying his best to convince him that this wasn't just bullshit.

"Not a baby." John sniffed indignantly. God this was embarrassing.

"Yeah you are Deaky boy, barely 18 and now you're looking gorgeous in my lap; in a club no less. So innocent that it makes me want to take care of you. Or maybe ruin you." Roger said with wandering hands. He grabbed at John's upper thighs and held him close once more, but with a greater intention then he had had the rest of the evening.

John squirmed with the implications and tone of Rogers words. This was making John even more uncomfortable and he had to pause when Roger suddenly decided to harshly suck in a breath. They had been playing this game for most of the night now and John was feeling over it.

The hand momentarily loosened his grip and John wrenched away, finally standing outside the booth a ways from Roger. The blonde looked upset that he had managed to get away and John's heart pounding fast. John could barely believe that he was standing still instead of bolting away. This was all getting to be too much for him, everything was so loud and he just wanted to be at home.

A woman came up from behind him and sooth her hands over John's quiver and hips. "Hey music boy, want to come and have a dance with me?" She slurred, more than a little bit drunk. John's eyes went wide and he panicked in the worst of ways. Now it wasn't just Roger touching him, but complete strangers that smelled of bad choices coming out of the darkness to grab at him when he was vulnerable.

He quickly struggled away from her, making his way out of the pub. Bolting away from everything like the scared little boy he was, not turning back to see the look on Roger face. The blond was probably ashamed for trying to be his friend at this point and John just couldn't deal with a look of disappointment on those soft blond features.

He hadn't even stopped to pick up his instrument from the backroom, just running out into the night. He was a good 40 minute walk from his flat, but at this frenzied run it would probably only be 30.

"John wait!" A voice behind him shouted letting him know that Roger had followed him out of the pub. God, why was this happening? He should've have been so bold to join a band, should have just went along with his pathetically quit life. This was no ones fault but he own and John resolves to never leave his house again if he managed to get away tonight.

John didn't slow down or even answer the blonde, he was breathing so rapidly that he could just barely see where he was going. Actually the lack of sight it was probably from the tears dripping from his eyes. The worst part was he wasn't going as fast as he originally thought, because Roger was quick to catch up.

An arm caught him around the waist and it sent them both a tumbling to the ground. John cried out as he hit the pavement with the body half on top of them.

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