Chapter 9

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Author's note: It's the last week of November and I'm completely ready for Christmas! I even have thing bought and wrapped this year. It's a good feeling compared to struggling on Christmas Eve like I did last year! :)

The drive to John's house was mostly quiet, with the late night radio singing in the background. John felt a bit conscience about letting Roger drive, but the blond insisted he only had one drink. That wasn't true in the slightest as John had witnessed him taking at least two shots. He wasn't sure what the lie was about, but he let Roger have the moment. He wasn't one for driving himself and didn't know how to insist that Roger shouldn't.

The sidewalk tackle head done wonders to sober John up, so it had to have done the same for Roger. In the end, he trusted Roger. And even if he wouldn't admit it out loud, he did trust the blond with his life. The only thing that John had to do now was to not be a distraction. Not that he thought that Roger would be distracted by him, but it was better to not take any chances.

Right as they started driving, John glanced over towards Roger and got to witness a quick peek of eyes at himself. It was unnerving that Roger seem to be taking an interest in him, mostly because John had no idea why he would. There was so many beautiful people around Roger at all points in time, John couldn't understand why he'd turn his head. He bit his lip in thought and glanced out the window to further ignore his bandmate.

John had had to give out directions because he had yet to show his bandmates where he was living. It's small loft apartment was by no means a great place, but it for filled his daily needs. A single bed in the corner and a full kitchen set against the wall.

The real winning thing about it was the bathroom. It had an ancient looking clawed bathtub in the middle of it and at just the thought of it; it was calling John's name. Actually, so was Roger. It startled him a bit when Roger touched him lightly on the shoulder, and he tried not to visibly show it. John was almost positive that he just jolted slightly and then sat up ram rod straight.

He wondered briefly how long that Roger have been trying to get his attention for, but didn't make a big deal out of it. The man had saw him cry earlier the same evening, he wasn't going to freak out of being stuck in his own head. It was beginning to be John's favorite thing that Roger just let him be weird and never pointed it out. John had perhaps always needed a friend like that.

John's mind briefly wandered back to the fact of earlier that night he was able to feel the hard parts Rogers body pressing into him. Perhaps, they weren't going to just be friends. In the deepest parts of his mind, John knew that he would be all right with that sort of thing. It could get you in real trouble in today's world, but if Roger wanted to make a go for it then John could already picture trying. Dangerous thoughts for a self conscious man.

The time seemed to fly when they were driving or maybe it had something to do with how fast Roger drove. One would never know because John was to nervous to comment on it. Besides, Roger probably got some kind of kick out of looking over at John when he was desperately gripping at his seatbelt. Roger was confirmed the rude one in the band after all.

John took notice that they had stopped because they were outside his apartment building and he began to unbuckle himself. He shook his head slightly in an effort to clear it out. He suddenly couldn't be in this car anymore, this close to Roger. He needed to be away to clear his head a bit as these dangerous thoughts seem to be lurking. He could do something stupid like kiss Roger full on the mouth if this continued.

The intention was to escape quickly into the building and hide under his sheets for a while. Have a nice hot bath when he felt a bit better about the night. Maybe tinker with the handheld radio he had been working on. Maybe growl quietly to himself about why his side hurt. Was that his fault for running or Roger's for tackling him? The mystery would remain, but still keep John up tonight.

Roger reached out and stopped him from opening the door. John wasn't surprised that this happened, given the entire night. He just wished that for once Roger would let him run for it and collect his wits. What was so wrong about trying again tomorrow?

"Come on, wait for me to park the car first. Don't you know how dangerous is to just jump out of a moving vehicle? Now tell me where I can park." Roger gritted out, probably repeating himself because John hadn't heard the first time around. It was kind of a funny moment to be lectured on safety by someone like Roger. John just nodded dumbly, because he couldn't even think of something to say.

John licked his lips, mostly because the bottom one was still a bit sore from the earlier bite, John felt the desperate need to bite down on it again, but ignored it. If he had been by himself, John might have bit down anyways and made himself bleed. He wouldn't be doing that in the presence of Roger though, as evidenced by earlier in the night. It would freak the blond out to much and then he would probably never leave John alone.

"The spaces are just in back of the building, second space is technically mine." He rattled off and was relieved when Roger nodded back. John smiled slightly, like he was proud of himself for being able to answer Roger's question. Small victories.

He briefly wondered if his neighbors or the other people in the building would think anything weird; as he had never had a car in his spot before. He quietly reminded himself that no one would care. He had barely ever spoken to any of the people who lived around him, so he should definitely shouldn't care what they think. There was nothing wrong with having friends rang through his head on repeat.

John wasn't even sure why Roger wasn't just kicking him out at the door; surely the blonde was sick of him by now. That thought radiated as he sat still and waited as Roger brought the van back to park in the designated space. Why had Roger insisted in driving him home in the first place?

"Let me come around and grab the door for you Deaky. Don't want people in you building thinking I'm not a gentleman." Roger said with a laugh, like that was an actual funny joke.

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