Chapter 10

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Author's note: I'm off of work because of the pandemic, so I'm going to take up writing again to distract myself from things. Just gonna dust off this story and pick up where we left off. Even found my old notes in preparation. Enjoy.

John wished that Roger hadn't insinuated that he was a maiden being taken home to have her virginity stolen. Or maybe he hadn't, but that's what John's crazy mind insinuated. What would his neighbors think? It didn't matter, except that it absolutely did. How does one move past a moment where you're friend thinks he's funny and instead turns you on? Fuck, this was why John had never tried having friends before the stupid band. The pause was long and awkward now, but he still had to say something.

"Forget about what the neighbors think, I don't even believe that you're a gentleman." John said to purely lighten the mood and to keep himself from thinking such a naughty thoughts. He wasn't sure what else he could do in that situation. Roger laughed like John was hilarious and it made him smile back. Maybe this friendship thing wasn't so hard.

"I don't know Deaks, most girls swoon at the thought of me driving them home and here we are. You haven't thrown yourself at me once yet, I'm gonna start to believe your just not in the mood." Roger said back in Roger-like fashion.

John bristled at being compared to the girls that Roger had definitely had in the past and tried not to dwell on the fact that it wasn't being called a girl he was hung up on. He pouted dramatically, playing his part was the easiest thing to do after all.

"I don't know if I could get in the mood after someone tackled me earlier. My side kind of hurts and the guy that did it is not high on my favored list right now." John answered, batting his eyelashes longingly. He kind of wished that Roger would just lean over and kiss him. They would have all the privacy and coverage of the van to protect them from the world around.

"Awe babe, why you gotta wound me like that? You were trying to escape earlier and I couldn't let you go like that!" Roger shouted, to loudly for the time of night it was. Hopefully no one had the window open in the building around them because they would have just had a rude awakening.

"Alright, Alright. No need to shout Roger. Now, come open my door Rog or I'll never get to get out of here." John answered compliantly, trying to control Roger's volume problem before someone angry came looking for them.

It clearly worked because Roger snorted like it was a good joke. He barely paused to unbuckle  himself and run around the vehicle. John sat still and waited even when he wanted to run, because this was  his life now. He was friends with the rude blond who smoked to much and said crude things to people on a daily bases.

Not only that but said blond had seemed to be very interested in him and his well-being. Roger just might be crazy, because John could still not believe that he hadn't gone home with those women at the bar. There was no way they should have made it all the way to his house with this clearly fake flirting. What reason would Roger even have to chase after John and tackle him when he tried to run?

The blonde flung open the door and grinned at him like he hadn't just confused the hell out of John. Whether he was uncaring to that fact or just didn't realize, the world may never know.

"All right princess, your bed awaits us." Roger jokes were holding out his arm. John frowned, but took the offered arm anyways. Roger eyes seemed to be sparkling in the moonlight and John tried his hardest to not get caught up in that fact.

"Don't call me that Rog." John mumbled, stepping out of the car and stumbling into Roger's strong body. He felt weak at the knees for reasons he couldn't even comprehend.

"You don't have to act offended John, I know you like it. The blush gives it away." Roger grinned at John for a moment. He looked devilishly handsome for those few seconds and John couldn't help but just blink dumbly at him.

John lost his never fast and shot Roger a nervous look. Maybe he should just go inside and be done with this night. He watched as Roger's smile turned into a frown. The expression wasn't fit for the blond's face and John was upset that he caused it.

"Sorry Deaky, lets just go inside and get you sorted out for the night. You've had a long day and could use a lie down." Roger continued on, pulling John out of the car. He went easily, trying not the pay to much attention to Roger warm and calloused hand.

John wasn't exactly sure what made him sass, but Roger seemed to bring out the worst in him. "Think I'm gonna have a nice hot bath before crashing."

Roger lit up like a kid on Christmas and turned back to fully face John. "You have a bath?" He questioned excitedly. John nodded, a bit tired and numb. "Then what are we waiting for Deaks, let's go and have a bath!" Roger chattered enthusiastically, pulling them to the door.

John was a bit freaked out why Roger had said that they were going to have a bath. And why was Roger even coming in? He needed to be alone to reflect about all the terrible mistakes he had made that day. That wasn't going to work if Roger was with him. His hand shook as he unlocked the door. How was this his life?

Roger bounced excitedly beside John, instantly grabbing his hand the moment it wasn't being used to open the door. "Lead the way, I haven't been over before." Roger said like he should have been invited before this. John left out that he didn't invite him in now either. Deep breath, everything was just fine.

The small middle apartment was his and he had to unlock that door as well. Roger stayed silent, but wouldn't let go of his hand no matter how hard John tried to shake him off. He didn't like having his hand restricted; not being able to fumble about or twiddle his thumbs. That fact irritated him more then probably should but John couldn't help the way he felt. Personal space was important to him and Roger was the touchiest person he had ever met.

Their eyes met briefly and John grinned stupidly back at the instant blond. Roger was clingy in every wrong way, but John truly loved being around him. This mess of a night was all okay because at the end of it Roger was still right here with him.

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