Chapter 11

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Authors note: I played the entirety of the Pokémon mystery dungeons game that just came out in the first 4 days of being off and needed something else to do. Mostly because 40 hours of video games in very little time was hurting my brain. I'll just pretend this is productive instead.

The moment the door was open Roger was in John's space. He hadn't had anyone in his apartment since his mom had helped him move into the space. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. He let go of Roger's hand as Roger did a full spin to take in his new surroundings.

Roger was quick to stomp around and investigate, even going as far to fling open the only door in the apartment. It lead to the washroom, obviously. John sputtered while locking up his front door again that he unexpected guest had gotten away from him.

John could swear that the man had absolutely no shame. Which led him to him not even being surprised when the blonde stripped off his shirt and started the tabs of the bath. He watched almost dumbfounded as Roger adjusted them until he got to his optimal temperature. This was insanity, how could Roger be this confident and presumptive about everything? It was like he was a different breed of person compared to John.

"Deaky, you got bubble bath for us?" Roger yelled over, like the child that he truly was. He sounded excited and not a bit bashful. Like this was an activity that you regularly enjoyed with your friends. That thought made John want to itch himself all over for no other reason of giving himself something to do. He had been down that road before and dealing with the welts from his finger nails when he finally felt better afterwards just wasn't worth it. John took a slow and deep breath instead. Think clearly.

John was a bit exasperated and over a bit upset that Roger felt the need to be shirtless in his apartment. This was John's safe and comfortable piece of heaven and Roger was making himself home in it. John knew there was nothing he could do at this point; the whole night had only pointed out to him that he was apparently powerless against the other man.

He clearly shouldn't have revealed that he owned a bathtub. Felt a bit dumb thinking that Roger would just let him be when he had pointed out a luxury that he had that Roger probably didn't have access to. After all most apartments were more modern with a shower equipped and not an ancient claw footed bath tub. John settled himself down with another deep breath and then cleared his throat. Roger directed all his attention on John with that.

Their eyes met for a moment and John gave out a small smile. He was sure Roger would leave after taking a bath. How his life turned into this? It didn't matter at the moment, his mother had always said to be a good host to guests after all. He could focus on that.

"No, but I have some scented salts under the sink. They feel good on sore muscles." John answered, feeling ready to be alone again. He was proud of himself with dealing with the situation in a calm manor. He moved away from the washroom so he couldn't stare at the way that Roger back muscled seemingly showed up out of nowhere when he bent to do anything. The skinny blond clearly got some strength out of drumming and it made him look good. It didn't help that Roger had left the bathroom door wide open and the apartment was small enough that if John turned he'd be able to see Roger no matter where he was currently standing.

Roger shouted out an affirmative and John didn't want to look over in case the blonde head dumped in the whole supply of his salts. They were a bit on the expensive side and John often saved for them by skipping a few meals. They were worth it because of how relaxed they made him feel. It made him sleep better and forget about days that were terrible. John's heart fluttered a bit at Roger enjoying them, it kind of made him feel nice to share something so sacred to him with a friend.

Maybe he would make tea while waiting, he needed something to do with his hands. John twitched his hands together and then apart in a near clap like motion as he heard more clothing hit the floor. Gosh, Roger doesn't have any sense of humility did he? John's thumbs pushed harshly down on his other finger nails and he counted the seconds. He felt nervous, but not in a bad way. After all, it was just the two of them here and he trusted Roger to an extent. Nothing like be surrounded by strangers in a club. This was his home and he had nothing to be afraid of here.

"Well come on in John, the water is nice and toasty. We won't need that much water with the two of us. It'll overflow real easy." Roger yelled over as John finally made a move for his kettle. He sounded confident and out of place in John's humble home.

John nearly tripped when hearing Rogers words and turned around to face the blond for the first time since they arrived here. John's face had turned a shade of deep red for reasons he could barely even comprehend. Was Roger seriously teasing him like this?

The blonde was already down to his underwear and seem not to care that John can see the outline of his dick in his thin white unders. Not that he was looking. Though, it was hard to look away once John's eyes had settle on the subject. Roger wasn't even hard but the outline was still very chubby and clear. John suddenly felt like he was choking, and almost defiantly tore his eyes away from Roger's covered cock.

John swallowed the lump of spit in his throat's nervously. Roger was smiling over at John, like it wasn't any kind of a deal and John was shaking in his socks. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

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