Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Holy, what a long time it's been! Life been a journey and I haven't thought about writing in such a long time. I still want to this finish though. :)

"Roger, let us buy you a drink for the amazing performance tonight." The girls giggled and talked in sync like they had done that many times before. John wondered if it was all a tailored act or if they were great friends. Had they met tonight at the show or was this a very common occurrence for the pair? Was Roger the first to be almost hunted by these two or just another in the line up of many.

John squirmed, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation and relished the way that Roger hissed about his movement. He was still noticeably hard and John had to bite at his lip to stop a naughty smile from blooming forth. It was already weird enough to be sitting on another man's lap, he didn't really want to add a psychopathic grin to the list. He gasped slightly in surprise as Roger retaliated by tugging down firmly on John's hips, making that firm part of his body part plush asscheeks give to nestle it in exactly the right spot.

"Well ladies, a drink from you sounds tempting. Though I already have a bit of company and he's quite comfortable. Not to mention warm, like my own little heater." Roger kept talking like he wasn't embarrassing the hell out of John. Not to mention the uncomfortable looks the women were giving him. Never Roger, just John. Like he was an obstacle in the way.

He shivered under the sudden turned hateful gaze of the ladies in front of them and could feel the way that Roger was questioning what was wrong. The hands on his hips flexed in a seemingly questioning manor and John shuttered back after meeting the eyes of one of the girls accidentally.

"Roger, we could be so much better then him. Warmer too, if you'd let us. Wetter." John let himself wonder if her tits were as fake as the cheer and acceptance in her voice. Roger grinned at them and John used the moment to try and move out of his lap again. They both struggled against one another for a single moment before John felted drained and compliant again. These women were literally offering Roger sex and he was still refusing to leave John alone. The blond was supposed to be a local sex symbol; what was his reason for this show?

"We'll be back with a drink for you Mr. Taylor, and you should really consider coming to your senses. We could make each other feel so good all night long, if you'll only allow it." The push women circled away from them after that and John slumped defeated in Roger's lap. This was such an embarrassment and he wasn't even sure what Roger was playing at.

It was with clarity that John started to have a wonderfully devious thought. Roger was hard under his ass and it just might be all for him and not for those bitchy women that wouldn't leave them to their own little world. Could it possibly be that the blond was more interested in what he could give then a tight, wet pussy? God, now John really needed a drink. He sudden felt like the world would be much easier to process while drunk.

"Roger, do you know what those girls are telling you?" John asked quietly, trying to resist the urge to turn and look Roger in the eye. This was already embarrassing enough and as much as he wanted to see the blonds expression, that would mean Roger could see his as well. John didn't trust his face at that moment.

"I do John, but I'm really not looking to stand up right now. Could be a bit indecent, if you feel me. Besides, I got this pretty thing in my arms already and that means I'm taken for the night." Roger voice sounded like he was telling a joke, but the words struck John's heart in a special spot. John swallowed harshly, as discreetly as he could manage. God, Roger knew all the right words to say.

"Just for the night?" The question came out without John even meaning it to, and he blushed deep red because of it. He was never sure why his brain wasn't attached to that mouth of his, but it would get him in a lot less trouble if he could get them to communicate.

Roger felt stiff under him and it was suddenly for a completely didn't reason. It took a moment, but then he ran a comforting hand down the length of John's back. "No Deaky, not just tonight. We've got a long road ahead of us and I could be yours all the way through. You and I; through fame, fortune and most importantly music."

John felt impressed and out of breath all at once; Roger couldn't actually be offering that? There was practically no reason for him to do that, as they were barely even friends! Sure the success of the band perhaps made it obvious that they should get used to one another, but what Roger was taking about shot way past that. If John was a woman, he/she would have taken that as a proposal.

"I want to be there for you every step of the way, like you have been for me too. Roger, I'm sure we'll do great things together. Those women though, they want to fuck you and keep looking at me like I'm in the way. So, just let me move." The point of John speech was to make Roger realize what the obvious women had obviously been insinuating.

"Don't be so nervous babe, here I'll even help you out." Roger answered like he had some kind of fucking solution to John be upset with the situation. "Girls, I'm sure you noticed our brand new bass player, Deaky. He's a bit nervous so be kind to him as well." Roger explained, leaving out of the conversation why he had another man on his lap. The girls giggle politely, probably already too drunk to care and happy with any attention he gave to them. John was grateful they didn't even try to speak to him, but he still didn't enjoy the stares.

Of course, he was staring silently at them as well so it kind of made sense that they stared back. These women were definitely predators and he was nothing more then in the way of their kill. It was nearly scary. A hand soothes down his back as Roger leaned close to whisper at him. "Introduce yourself to these nice ladies Deaky, don't worry they're all really nice."

Roger didn't know the first thing about these girls. John took a deep breath and frowned towards the crowd, he just wanted to go home. He never had to deal with new people at a safe home. Especially not ones that has been made Roger had clearly slept with at some point. He had to have, why would these women be so persistent if they hadn't already known they'd be in for a great night?

He felt a bit like Roger was holding him hostage and now he had to play nice with others too. He sighed and did what he was told.

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