Chapter 13

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Author's note: So we're like baby stepping towards the right direction? John's totally about to be naked I promise! ;)

A wondering hand settled against the button of John's jeans and playfully thumbed it open. He sucked a harsh breath and squirmed against the arms currently caging him in. Was he really about to let this happen? Just what was Roger getting out of this act anyways?

John's mind felt full and blank at the same time and the worst part about it was John couldn't even tell if he liked it or not. Roger was pressed against him everywhere and he couldn't help but think back to several minutes ago when he had stared at the outline of that cock. If he had his jeans off would he be able to feel that bulge against his ass? John's mouth felt dry and that last thought had felt out of place in his own head. What was Roger doing to him?

"Wait Roger! I can't just get naked in front of you!" John hated the hitch in his voice that made him sound like he was still going through puberty. Though his words were insistent, John didn't try to move away in even the slightest way. Maybe he self-consciously knew that there was no getting away from this at this point. Maybe he even secretly wanted it to be that way.

"John it's fine, just think about all the times you've been naked in front of others and how great it's been. It'll be no different." Roger reasoned, sounding a bit confused to why John was resistant at this point.

John couldn't help but take a precious second to wonder from an outsiders point of view; was John being weird for resisting at this point? Had he somehow led Roger on in some strange way that lead him to believe that John was all onboard with being naked together? John's head was spinning as he tried to figure it out. Played a show, had a nervous drink, ran away got tackled, was brought home. Nothing added up.

"I've never been naked in front of someone!" John finally freaked and spit those words out in his desperation, revealing his secret accidentally. His pitch was high and squeaky that time, giving away the panic that he felt.

Roger just let him go as John struggled out of his grip and backed himself against the wall. Roger was looking at him with a shocked look, like he could believe the words that John had just spoken. John tried to catch his breath and just not physically explode on the spot from being so embarrassed. Neither one of them paid attention to the fact that the button on John's jeans was undone.

"But you're so pretty? How could you not have been ravaged by now?" Roger sounded confused and slightly mad. He continued on when John didn't say anything back. "John your literally the prettiest man I've ever seen, has someone told you otherwise? Did someone do something that you didn't like in the past? I need you to talk to me John, trust me."

John couldn't help but think that the anger was directed at him and he felt so stupid. This wasn't even sexual, he shouldn't have made such a big deal about it and just taken the damn bath with Roger. "No Roger." He murmured.

"No what?" Roger all but shouted back, seemingly more angry then before.

John flinched farther back into the wall and tried not to fold into himself. "No one has ever tried to touch me but you." He answered on pure instinct, looking at the floor as he talked.

"John, baby. It's alright, no one's mad. It's just you and me, you can tell me anything." Roger soothed and moved a bit towards John again. He had his hands up like he wanted to show he wasn't a threat.

"I'm weird and quiet Roger; people don't like me." John replies still calming himself down.

"John, you're not weird and it doesn't matter to me in the slightest that you're quiet. You're cute and I like our hugs. You do things on bass that people fucking cream themselves over and then ignore the crowds like it's a joke. Baby, people love you. So come over here and hug me again." Roger reasoned, calming down the situation. They maintained eye contact throughout the moment and John twitched at his words. He just wanted to be good and listen, but his legs just didn't want to work.

John took a moment to himself, before slinking forward one more falling into Roger's  now open arms. They both seemed to love the closeness upon the moment they had contact. John couldn't help but think about just how incorrect Roger had been. Roger was the one amazing hugs. Another minute ticked by and John found himself relaxing fully and nuzzles into Roger. He sighed as he could feel Roger flex all around him; what a wonderful feeling.

"Help me get my pants off?" John asked shyly, not letting his courage abandon him.

The request was quiet, but Roger was quick to pull the zipper and help it down. It was a slow movement; like he was trying his best not to startle Deaky again. Or maybe he just couldn't believe that John was actually letting him do this. John theorized that it had to be the first one because number two didn't make any sense.

Roger held him sturdy and peeled the clothing from his legs. His hands touched John in places that no one had ever touched him before and it felt sensual compared to what friendship should be. John let it happen and found that he liked it. What did that mean?

"You're such a brave boy Deaky, I'll take good care of you. I promise. You'll feel so much better after getting clean." Roger explained in that lovely soothing tone of his.

John nodded without saying anything back, feeling self conscious and a bit naked in only his underwear. Though, he supposed they were on equal terms now. At least Roger look good in the stupid tight white things, he looks like a lump in his baggy boxer shorts that were stuck to him with anxious sweat.

He should've worn something nicer, but hadn't realize that tonight was the night his antisocial ass would get naked with another. It hadn't been a thing that he'd thought would ever be on his radar, but Roger seemed to talk him into crazy things.

"These look uncomfortable Deaks, they need to go." Roger said with a large, sparkling grin. If John was able to look and meet his eyes he'd see Roger's sweeping over the entire length of his body.

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