♡The Same

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-the next day-

I was walking towards the beach where I was about to meet up with Nathaniel and the Lolirock girls. When I saw them coming I greeted them. "Hey there!" The red haired one said happily and I smiled back. "Hey there..?" "Auriana! My name is Auriana!" She smiled. Okay so Auriana is her name. "What are the other girls their name?" I asked and looked at her. "That one is Iris and that is Talia." She pointed at the other 2 girls. I smiled and looked at the 2 other girls that were talking with Nathaniel.

Suddenly I saw Iris her necklace glow. She hurriedly covers it and Auriana followed the girls somewhere. I sneaky followed them and saw a huge circle below them.

So I'm not the only one that's magical here? "So you are magical princesses too?" I asked and they looked at me. "What are you talking about?" Talia asked nervous. I suddenly summon a small crystal above my hand and they looked at me. "I saw what you were doing and I saw Iris her necklace glow. I never knew there were other princesses here." I smiled. They looked at me and Auriana suddenly hugged me and laughed. "Yes! Another princess to help us fight!" Iris hugged me too and Talia laughed a little. "Why was your pendant glowing?" I asked and looked at it. "It means someone needs help, we better finish this fast before the twins ruin it!"

-small time skip to the twins-

We stepped of the horse animal named Amaru which name I found out because they talked to him. I saw 2 teenagers in weird costumes standing there. The male one had a snake on his chest in green and a weird thing behind his ear. The female one was wearing a red grey dress with a butterfly on it and a diadem in her hair with a butterfly. They suddenly said a spell and crystals shoot at us. I never used any sort of spell before. I grabbed my book out of my bag and read up a spell. "Crystal Colidum!" I said and suddenly crystal shoots toward the twins. I tried to remember any other spells but I never trained. The male one stared at me and the female one tried to attack me again. "Ateruina!" She said and fired crystals at me. I didn't know what to do. "Crystal Tectus!" Auriana yelled and sprung in front of me.

The male one kept staring until the girls transformed. I looked at them and then I felt a sharp pain through my head like I was mad. "Y/N, princess of K/N" I said and before I knew u transformed in a beautiful  princes with a magical Y/C colour. The male one stared at me like he never seen a girl before. Poor boy.

"Don't stare at her and attack already!" His sister yelled and he summoned his sword and so did I. I summoned my W/N and he ran towards me. When our weapons hit each other there was a blast. Something I never expected to happen. It blasted us away from each other. My back came against a hard rock and I fell down on my chest. I couldn't move and the girls and the female looked at me and the male. I layed there, beaten and untrained. Everything hurts and I could barely move. The male tried to stand up too but he was beaten too.

"Mephisto! Get up already and don't lay there like a fool!" The female said. So Mephisto was his name? It sounds familiar. Maybe it was when the girls said it once. "Stop yelling at me, Praxina! I can barely move, what do you expect me to?!" So the female is called Praxina. Auriana ran towards me and tried to help me but every movement hurts. While Iris and Talia were trying to beat the crystal monster and Praxina, Aurina tried to heal me with a spell. I de-transformed and I was bleeding. My arm and my face, to my chest, back and legs. The male stood up and looked at me and Auriana. He was in pain like I was. I felt hurt inside like he was special to me. But he can't, he isn't. He is my enemy and I don't even know him.

"Auriana help the other girls, they need you more than I do." I said and she nod giving me a smile and helping the girls. I saw a person in the bushes and I walked towards it. She was in crystal. She had beautiful black hair with blue eyes. She was holding a book that looked like a spell book. Maybe from Auriana since it was orange like her outfit. Suddenly I heard a sort scream from Praxina and she teleported away with her brother. Than the girls came to me. "They were behind my spell book. This girl took it when I left it at the smoothie bar by accident." Auriana said. They de-transformed and freed her from the bubble. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so so so much! Those weird looking teenagers tried to steel it from me and, they did something." She started crying. I felt bad. "Hey it's okay, we are helping you." Iris said and looked at the book. "Here take it, it's because of helping me." The girl said and gave Iris the spell book. "Keep save!" Talia said and smiled at her. The girl walked of and when we were alone we did a high five. We saved a girl and we got that spell book back. Suddenly a small crystal summoned in front of us, Iris touched it and it disappeared. We walked back where Nathaniel and Dough were waiting for us. They had a concert to give and I would stay for the first time.

My father is gonna be really mad right now. This should stay a secret.


➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now