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Y/N's POV.

I gasped and had tears in my eyes. Mephisto grabbed my hand and we turned around. The girls want to know who my father is, but it's better if they didn't. Mephisto hugged me and looked my in the eyes. "Sweetie, I'll leave to the girls. I won't tell them, but you have time promise me one thing. Come back soon." He said and cleared my tears. "I will." I said and smiled at him. When he left I took a deep breath. This is going to be a hard talk.

"Father." I began and looked at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked and crossed my arms. "I am here to see my daughter." He said and laid an hand on my shoulder. "I knew you were alright." He said and I couldn't help myself but almost cried again. "I won't force you into things like your mother did, so don't worry. Just train with Iris and the others so you can become really strong." He said and he teleported away. I walked outside from the house and the girls hugged me. They were happy for me without reason. Mephisto came into the hug to and smiled. "Y/N, mind us to tell who your father is?" Mephisto asked and they all pulled away from the hug. "If you really wanna know, it's Gramorr.." I said and looked down. I heard the girls gasp and Mephisto held my hand. "Y/N, are you okay?" Talia asked and looked at me. "I'm fine, I just feel sorry." I said and looked up. "Don't worry, you're still the same Y/N I've known for months." Talia said and Auriana hugged me. "And we are still best best friends forever!" Auriana squealed and I laughed. "Of course we are, I was scared.. You wouldn't accept me anymore." I said and they smiled at me. "Don't worry, you're still the same Y/N we know and nobody will stop us. Unless you start working for him than we will leave but that will never happen." Iris said and smiled. Mephisto hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "We still have to finish our movie night~" He said and held my hips. "Sure, we will." I said knowing exactly what he wanted. He wanted to have some fun. I was scared because everything in this relationship is my first time, si I was scared this will become a break up. Of course he was sweet but what if it went wrong. Nothing will be the same again..

We went home and Amaru and the girls went to the smoothie bar. I stayed home with Mephisto. We were alone. I put on the movie and grabbed the snacks, we cuddle up against each other and watched the horror movie. I loved him. So sweet and innocent but on the other hand so dirty and bad. What one boy can do with you.


➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now