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Mephisto's POV.

I woke up in the morning and sunlight was shining in the room. Y/N was laying next to me holding me and I smiled at her. She was still asleep but I didn't mind. I softly moved out her grip and started dressing me to my normal clothes. She was so beautiful when she is asleep. I looked around everywhere if there was food but I couldn't find anything. So I decided to wake her up. It was 10 in the morning anyway so I don't think she would mind. I shook her softly and a soft grunt escaped her lips. I started blushing and shook her again. "Wake up sunshine." I called out and she opened her eyes. "What time is it?" She asked me and I looked around. "10 in the morning." I said and rubbed her head softly. She looked at me and sat up in her bed. "Good morning Mepphy." She said and I started blushing. "Good morning sunshine." I said back and hugged her a bit. She hugged me back and I pulled her on her feet and kissed her nose bridge. She gave me a soft smile and I smiled back at her. "I really love you Mephisto." She said. "I love you too Y/N." I said and we hugged again.

Y/N's POV.

Me and Mephisto hugged for a while and I eventually pulled away. "Wanna go to the smoothie bar? Or do you wanna stay here?" I asked him and he looked away. "Well I wanna stay with you and grab a drink but I have my sister." He said and looked away. "I'm sorry sweetie, I wish I had time." He said and I looked away feeling bad. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault." I said and smiled. I went to the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I looked up and saw I had super short hair. All my hair was gone. I screamed and before I knew Mephisto came to me about to fire a spell. "What happened?!" He yelled and grabbed me by my waist. I was blushing by having such a protective boyfriend. "OMG!!!" I yelled smiling and he started to laugh. "My shanilla." I said and he rubbed my head. "That's great. You have to tell the princesses about this. They can train you so you get more powerful." He said smiled at me. "So what are you gonna do for your second shanilla?" He asked me. "I think I'm gonna wear a flower crown and gonna shower. Do you wanna do something tonight?" I asked and continued to brush my teeth. "Well if Praxina doesn't wanna attack the princesses it's fine with me." Mephisto said and kissed my head. "Sure let me know and if it's possible where, okay? I'll go to the princesses." I said and started to dress myself. "Okay, have a good day sweetie." He said and almost teleported away until I stopped him. I kissed him on the lips and we shared a soft passionate kiss. He smiled and teleported away.

After grabbing everything and cleaning everything up I texted the Iris. 'Iris, I have to tell you something important. Make sure aunt Ellen ins't close to the door.' I texted her and she texted back. 'Sure, don't worry about it. You know my room :)' And ran towards the princesses their house. I opened the door and ran upstairs towards Iris her room. I saw Iris, Talia and Auriana sitting on her bed and they all gasped looking at me. "I am going through my second shanilla!" I said squealing in happiness. "Oh my gosh your shanilla!" Auriana called out and hugged me tight. "Congratulations Y/N, we have to train this afternoon. Tonight we are having a concert. I hope you can come too." Talia said and I smiled. "Of course I'm coming to your concert! I would love too." I said and sat on Iris her bed. "I'm gonna go to my room soon. I'm gonna finish my photo album." I said and stood up and walked towards my room. I started to finish my photo album in my room and made sure the pictures of me and Mephisto had a special place. The flower and tree picture were somewhere in the back. Now to get ready for training.

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