♡Secret Date

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I went to the smoothie bar with the girls. They were discussing about a lyrics for their new song. Everything that happened yesterday got me thinking. He kissed my forehead and I felt on fire. Is it just me or is he just so adorable. I was thinking about what to do today until Auriana snapped me out of my thoughts. "Y/N! Are you even listening?" She asked and looked at me while they laughed a little, even Nathaniel laughed at it. "Sorry I was thinking about someone I love." I said and I instantly started blushing. Auriana 'ooooh' ed to me and hugged me. Nathaniel came to us too and practically heard everything and smiled. "So who's the lucky guy?" He asked and sat with us. "Yeah who's the lucky guy?" Iris asked too and I blushed a little. "Well I like him, but he doesn't like me for sure." I said looking away. "Come on what is his name?" Auriana asked and she got really noisy. "I wanna keep it a secret okay. Not everyone has to know okay?" I said getting a bit annoyed. "Oh I'm sorry." Auriana said. "Let me know when there is progress." She said and I laughed a bit. "Okay I'll let you know when there is progress." I said and smiled at her. Talia and Iris were busy talking to Nathaniel. "Girls I gotta go. I'm gonna go to the forest. You know I like taking pictures. If you need me, call me." Talia looked at me. "Okay, tonight we are gonna train okay?" She asked and I smiled at her. "Of course, I'll be there, don't worry. See you later girls. Bye Nathaniel." "Bye Y/N, see you next time." Nathaniel said I waved goodbye. "Bye Y/N!" The girls said and waved me goodbye too. I walked out the smoothie bar with my favorite flavored smoothie and walked to the forest close to the beach.

-time skip to the forest-

I was walking through the forest and suddenly teleported behind me. I looked behind and suddenly Mephisto stood there. "Hey Mephisto." I said and smiled at him. "Hey Y/N, how are you doing?" He asked and looked at me. "Oh I'm fine, just tired and photographing around here. How are you and what are you doing here?" I asked looking at him and he looked away." He rubbed the back of his head. "Y/N, do you wanna hang out with me today like a picnic or going to the beach?" He asked and I blushed. 'Did he just really ask me out on a date?' I asked myself in my mind. "Of course let's have a picnic tomorrow and go to the beach tonight. First I'm gonna do some last photographs about nature." I said smiling at him. "You are the best Y/N. Is it okay if I stay with you?" He asked me as I smiled up at him. He blushed and looked away as I laughed a little. "If you want we can take a photo together?" I asked him and he smiled at me. "Of course I want to take a picture with you!" He said happily and walked next to me. His arm wrapped around my shoulder again and I was blushing. As soon as I took the photo, it printed out and Mephisto grabbed it. He duplicated it and gave the original one back. "You are amazing, I'm glad you are my best friend." He said as a blush crept on his cheeks. I felt my own cheeks heat up too and I smiled at him and hugged him tight. "I'm so glad you are my best friend too, Mephisto." 

After some photographs I made we walked to the beach together and he held my hand. I was blushing a lot but I knew he was seeing me as a friend and nothing more. Before we knew, we were on the beach and sat there together on a big branch that laid there on the ground. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder again and soon I laid my head on his chest almost falling asleep. Of course he kept me awake to see the beautiful sunset. He grabbed my camera and set a sort timer and made me stand up. our fingers were tangled and in the middle of the shot with the sunset behind it. Than we heard the camera click and the photo printed. When he saw the photo and he smiled duplicated it. He gave me the original one again and smiled. "Because we had a precious day today." I was blushing and looked at him. Than I did something what I didn't expect myself to do. I kissed his cheek. He held my hands and smiled at me. "I see you tomorrow at the picnic be there around 2 okay?" He asked and I smiled. "I will." And grabbed my bag and put everything inside of it walking off waving him one last time goodbye. "Bye Mephisto." I said and started blushing walking off.

This was an amazing day.

Iris' POV.

I was outside for a little to see where Y/N stayed so long until I saw her with a guy. I took a closer look until I heard them talking. "Bye Mephisto." I heard Y/N say and I gasped. 'She has secret contact with him?! No I am gonna say it to Talia and Auriana. They have to know more about this.' And ran back to the house. She better not be working with him or else.

Mephisto's POV.'

Y/N Kissed my cheek. She kissed my cheek, why did she do that? Maybe she does kinda like me, I should keep quiet about this to Praxina before she is gonna hurt me again. Damn no wonder I love that girl.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now