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Y/N POV. (only flashbacks this chapter)

-memory one-

I was meeting up with my new best friend. He was so sweet. He teleported in my room and I jumped a little. "Don't scare me like that you know! I could've screamed." I punched his shoulder playfully. He laughed to and smiled. He had the cutest smile and absolutely warmed my heart. "So Y/N, what do you wanna do today?" He asked and sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me shoulders. I slightly blushed and I thought deep. "It may be childish but, what about a fort made of blankets and pillows. Every pillow and blanket can be used. We are gonna search my whole home!" I said happily and soon he smiled. "Really good idea. Whole room or just the bed?" He asked and I smiled. "Whole room."

We searched for every pillow and blanket around the house and started to build a really nice fort of pillows and blankets. When we were done searching about like 30 minutes later, we actually collected them all and started building the fort. We hung some blankets on the wall and laid some on the floor. We laid some pillows against the now blanket covered wall and a second layer on those pillows. We even used big pillows as a sort couch. It was soft and it felt amazing. He laid an arm around my shoulders and he made a sort lamp with star and it made our fort even more beautiful. I moved myself a bit closer to him and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled and rubbed my arm/shoulder a bit. I never felt so safe with him. Suddenly my mother came in the room and got angry at me. "What do you think you're doing?! So that's why all our blankets and pillows went." She looked at us and started laughing. "Never do that again without asking." She smiled and looked at us one more time before closing the door behind her we smiled at each other. I never met anyone so sweet before.

"So Y/N, next time my home?" He asked and I smiled. "Of course, but didn't you tell me you shared your room with your sister?" I questioned and nuzzled my head closer against him. "Yes, but she doesn't spend many time in her room as I do." He answered and smiled at me. "Okay, we could next time. When?" I looked at him he blushed. "Maybe tomorrow." He said and stood up. "Wanna go outside? I really wanna climb that tree with you." He said pointing put the window at the giant tree. "I was looking at it for a while and I actually would love to get help from a master climber." He joked and laughed at me, I laughed too. "Of course the master in tree climbing can help you." I said and so we walked out of our fort towards the garden. I climbed in the tree and he followed slowly. We both started climbing higher and before we knew we sat on a big branch in the tree. He smiled and wrapped an arm around me again. Had he a thing for hugging me? "We made it!" He said happily and looked at me with a big smile. His beautiful eyes were to get lost in. I think I do like him more than a friend.

"Let's make a photo of this moment." He said. I grabbed my camera and smiled. He smiled and he looked so cute and I took 2 photo's. He duplicated them with a spell and took the duplicated ones. "Nice ones." He said and smiled and hugged me. "Thank you a lot."

-memory 2-

We were at his home playing tag at the near the forest. He was the tagger and really tried to tag me. I hid behind a tree and looked behind me and I didn't see him. Where was he? "BOO!" I heard and I yelled. I fell down and hid my face in my hands and laughed too. "I'm glad I took photo's of it!" He said and showed me the pictures he made. There were 3 of them. "Look at this one, your face looks really funny here." he said and smiled. He duplicated them and gave me the original ones. "Anyway.." He began. "TAG!!" And he tagged me and teleported away. I smiled. He was so funny and amazing. "Where ever you are, let's stop. I have to go home, I think my mom is waiting for me." I stopped and walked out of the place on my way home. "Okay than, let me bring you home." He said and teleported me home. We sat in my room for a moment before my mother called me to eat. "I'M COMING!" I yelled back and hugged -------- for a last time. "Have a good dinner, see you next time." He said and smiled at me before he teleported away.

No wonder I like him.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now