➳So it's you

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Y/N POV. (In the real world)

I walked everywhere with my photo album to remember all the things I've done with my friend. No, he isn't my friend, but my crush. I loved him so much and now I lost him. I wish I could see him for just a small minute. I climbed in the huge tree in my garden and sat there for a while. I heard some footsteps so I hid myself somewhere in the tree. I looked everywhere to find from who the footsteps might be. Than I saw him.

A male stood there.  His hair was burgundy hair with a fringe. He wears a white with green shirt and wears black pants, shoes, cape and black gloves. He has a hairclip formed as a snake. I tried to make sure I was imagining him but it wasn't. I looked at the male and he stood there, Mephisto stood there.

I came down the tree knowing he can't attack me. "What are you doing here?" He asked me and came towards me. I didn't know what to say. "I.. I am here for memories about my best friend and I." I told him honestly. He looked at me and smiled. "Actually I am here to find mine too." He said looking at the one of the big rocks. He looked at me. "You know, my friend and I made a promise long time ago. Before Gramorr attacked her place, I made it with her. 


"Y/N?! What is happening?" My friend yelled and hugged me. "I-I'm scared Mephisto." I said and hugged back. I was almost sobbing. "It's going to be fine." He said and rubbed my head in a sweet way. "Promise me one thing Mephisto, and it's a promise with a spell. If we attack each other with our weapons or spells, a blast will separate us again and hurt us. Can I trust you?" I asked and he looked at me. "Yes." He said and we did a spell. The spell made sure we can't attack each other. Everything was fine and hugged each other one last time before our parents grabbed us and sent us back home to a safe place. I'm so scared something happened to the love of my life. Be safe Mephisto.

-End flashback-

I almost started crying and suddenly felt someone hugging me. Mephisto was hugging me. I let my tears flow. He pats my head and rubbed my back and I started shivering. "Shhh Y/N, it's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you." He said and smiled. "I'm so happy I found you." I said and cleared my tears. I was blushing  a lot when I noticed I've hugged my crush and he was super cute. "I am really happy too, let's just keep this a secret from now. The princesses might think I've cursed you." He said and laughed a little. I blushed and my thoughts literally exploded. 'OMG his laugh is literally adorable, OMG he is just so cute I can't, I just can't anymore.' I smiled at him and nodded. "You're right, shall we have some fun before I have to go back to the princesses?" I asked and he smiled at me. "Sure, I told my sister that it would take some time." He said and held my hand and we walked towards the big tree again. He was holding my hand and I was blushing a lot. "So Y/N? I'm sorry for attacking you last time. You got hurt because of me." He was getting sad and I hugged him tight. "Hey don't worry, we couldn't know." I said and let go of him a bit. He smiled at me. "I wanna learn to climb a tree from the master." He said and looked at me. I laughed and smiled. "Of course." I said and started to climb the tree and he followed. When we sat there in the tree he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leaned in. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. The sun was going down little by little and I started to feel tired more and more. "Hey you're getting tired." Mephisto said and rubbed my arm/shoulder. "Yeah. It was a rough day for me." I said and yawned. "Let me teleport us to your home. The princesses may be worried about you. 

Than something happened I wasn't expecting at all. We teleported back to earth and a bit away from their home. He kissed my head and smiled. "Have a good night rest Y/N. Sweet dreams." He said and he teleported away, probably to his sister. I walked towards the house of the princesses and knocked on the door. The sun was still shining here and Iris opened the door. "Y/N, you're back already. What happened?" She asked and I came inside with her. We walked to my room and Auriana and Talia came to my room too. "Well I looked around for a bit but nothing much." I said and smiled at them. "But I think I'm gonna sleep early I'm tired." I said and looked at them. "Have a good night rest, you're gonna need it because we are gonna train a lot tomorrow." Talia said. "It's gonna be fine don't worry. Good night girls." I said and walked o the bathroom to change my clothing for a goodnight rest. 

I laid down and smiled to myself. The love of my life kissed my head and I never felt myself on fire so much. He is so sweet. I'm never gonna forget that moment.

Mephisto's POV.

I kissed Y/N's forehead. What have I done?! She thinks I'm stupid for sure. "Mephisto why were you taking so long?" Praxina asked and crossed her arms looking at me. "I told you I was taking longer, Praxina." I said getting mad. "Ugh you're so stupid. No wonder why we always lose. It's because of you." She said and I got mad at her feeling hurt but not showing it launching a spell at her. She gasped and launched a spell at me what hurt me. Soon Gramorr contacted us and yelled at us for being so stupid and why we weren't planning for getting the princesses. Praxina did all the talking stuff and I just watched. When he hung up she got mad at me.

Damn, I wish I could spend more time with Y/N. She is just so perfect. 

I love her.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now