♡Lost Memories

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Me and the girls walked toward their home. Ellen was really nice to me and offered me a room. My room was big and had a nice bed. I could really make myself at home. Iris came towards me and sat next to me on the bed. I was thinking about my home. I miss my mother, my brother and the most important thing is my best friend. I want to know who my real father is too, so many things to think about. "Hey Y/N, do you like your new room?" Iris asked and I looked at her. "Yeah, I love my new room. I can make myself at home here." Amaru jumped on my bed and lies down on my bed. It was really cute. I laughed and Iris laughed too. "Come with me, we are gonna train. We should power our strength more until we got all the oracle gems. For now we have to keep our secrets safe." She stood up and so did I. Amaru got off the bed too and we walked downstairs. When we went through a door I saw instruments. "So we are gonna make music to improve our strength?" I laughed a bit and so did the other girls. "No we are going to do something really different." Talia said and opened a sort portal to a sort crystal library. "This is our library and if we go up there, we are gonna train. That's our training place." I looked around and walked towards the books. "Are all this books spell books?" I asked looking at books. "Some are, some are just history books. Let's just say they help us." Iris said and transformed to her magical princess look. The other girls and I transformed too. We jumped to the training zone and Talia summoned the fake twins. "Y/N, this is a protect spell, just concentrate on a shield." I nod as the fake Mephisto fired crystals at me. "Crysta Tectus!" I yelled and a shield formed. It was hard to concentrate because he couldn't attack me. "Wait girls. The thing was, Mephisto couldn't attack me last time, maybe I should focus on Praxina." The girls looked at me and nod. "You are right what even happened?" They looked at me and I looked away. "As much as I want to tell you, I don't know either." I said and sighed. "Let's continue training, I wanna be stronger." I said and stood in my position ready to fight back. "That's the spirit Y/N." Auriana said and we started training. 

-time skip to end of the training-

"Good job Y/N, you're getting stronger. You made progress." Talia said and drank some water. I grabbed my water and drank some too. "Girls, I wanna ask you something." I began and grabbed my photo album and looked at the old picture of me and my childhood friend. "Yeah ask away. What's the problem?" I grabbed a picture and looked up. "Can I go to my kingdom to look around for a bit. I miss my family and my friend." Auriana looked at Me so did Iris and Talia. "Sure, we will be there later too." Talia said. I hugged her happily and the other girls did too. "I'll see you later girls." 

I grabbed my bag and put my photo album and my spell book in it and not to forget my camera. I teleported myself to K/N and looked around. I forgot how beautiful it was. All the trees and flowers and the small lights around. There it was, my home. A beautiful round-ish house and it was brownish yellow colour. Gramorr never attacked my place? What happened when I was gone? I walked inside my home but there was no sound. I walked to my room and looked at the dress I wore when me and my best friend met. He complimented me with my dress and it suits my H/C. 

-flashback (still Y/N pov.)-

"Y/N, our guests are here. Be nice to them will you?" I looked up from the book I was reading. "Yes mother." I answered and closed my book and looked at the guests. I saw a girl with dark hair and a boy with dark hair. Probably brother and sister. Maybe even twins. I noticed the boy staring at me, like he never seen a girl. And was he blushing? Nevermind.

I sat at the table waiting for food until my mom forced me outside and I actually got mad at her. "I'm sorry but I'm not going outside. I want to sit here and read my book in peace so leave me alone." I shouldn't have said that. "You are acting like your father! So you better listen to me and go outside because I'm done with you being so stubborn!!" That actually hit me like a blast. I softly sobbed and ran outside. My hair what was in a bun fell lose and my hair got messy. I wasn't allowed to go outside, I was only allowed to be in the garden. There were huge trees and 2 or 3 giant rocks. I sat on the rocks and I was mad. My mother was always hurting me with words, saying I'm like my father. I don't even know my father. I hid my face on my knees and cried softly. I heard footsteps, but I didn't look up because it would me my stupid mother apologizing for her behavior.

"Hey Y-Y/N right?" A boy's voice asked and he looked at me softly. "Oh hi there. Yeah that's my name." I smiled. "C-Can I come up there with you?" He asked and smiled. I nod and he teleported up there. That was really cool, my mom never learned me any magic. "What's your name?" I asked and looked at him. He blushed a little. "My name is --------." He answered. "Really cute name." I complimented him and blushed. He blushed a little too. "Y/N, I like your dress a lot. It really suits your H/C hair." He smiled and touched my hair. "Thanks, it's my natural hair, I got it when I was born." I answered and he began to laugh. His laugh was so adorable, and so I began to laugh too. "You are really funny." He smiled. "I'm not funny, I was being honest." I answered. "We should hang out more often, I think." He said and I smiled. "Maybe we should huh." I smiled and laughed a little. We got off the rock and played games in the garden like tag and hide the seek. It wasn't always fair because he could teleport. Of course he had mercy at some times and let me win but it still wasn't fair. He was to talented and could do magic. 

I actually liked him. 

"Can I ask you something --------?" I asked looking at him. "Sure ask away." he answered ad smiled. "Let's make a photo of us because we are friends forever?" I asked. He smiled and blushed a little. "Of course In would love too." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we got closer to each other. I snapped a shot of us and the photo appeared. He duplicated the photo with a spell and smiled. "Now we both have one." 

-end flashback (still Y/N pov.)- 

He made me so happy, and we actually had good laughs together. I miss him more than ever. I walked towards the garden and saw the huge tree. "I missed you too tree." I said out loud but I didn't care, I was alone. I walked towards the giant rocks I climbed up onto them and sat down looking through some old photo's of me and my friend. Than I saw the first photo we made together. "Oh my gosh.. Our first picture." I smiled and tears of joy appeared. I looked at every picture we took and more and more tears came from my eyes. Maybe it's better for me to go home to the girls and come back tomorrow. I miss you friend.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now