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Third persons POV.

Y/N and Mephisto where sitting on your bed. He caressed her hand and shoulder really softly. She softly blushed as he scooted closer to her. He kissed her cheek with soft butterfly kisses. He was really gentle with her and threatens her like she's made of thin glass what's about to break. He never had threaten her that tenderly.

"Do you want this?" He asks and pulled away from her. She looked at him and kissed his cheek. His cheeks lit up a crimson shade of red. "Yes, I want this." Y/N said and he kissed her neck. "Okay, I promise to be gentle." Mephisto told her and whispered. "Only my beautiful sweet girlfriend." And he kissed her neck. He started to leave love bites all over her neck. She moaned and grabbed his shoulders. She loved this feeling and never felt anything like this before. She started to shake a little and he laughed a little at this. He loved the sounds she made while he continued to kiss and bite her neck. Mephisto started to climb a bit on top of her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. "You are really beautiful Y/N, I'm glad you are with me." And he bit spot under her ear that made her moan a little. She held his shoulders tighter and softly moved her face towards his neck and left some love bites. "I-im the one in control here sweetie." He said and let out a soft grunt when she bit the sweet spot. She liked this sound and bit again. "F-fuck.." He spoke softly and pushed her softly to the mattress. She blushed a dark shade of red, Ruby to be specific. Mephisto bit her neck more and left butterfly kisses down her collarbone down to her breasts. He undressed her shirt and smiled softly at her. Mephisto was looking at the damage he already done to his lover, Y/N. She was painted with red and blue hickeys and he was proud of himself. He had some hickeys too that matched with his hair colour and the blush on his cheeks.

Y/N laid on her bed and Mephisto hovered over her and touched her waist and a tingly  sensation went through her body. She shivered at his touch and blushed again. "M-Mephisto.." She softly moaned and he looked at her. He leaned down to her breasts and softly kissed the mountains on her chest. "Yes Y/N?" He asked politely and went down further too her stomach and belly button. "P-please.." She moaned desperately. He felt a weird sensation down his manhood. He felt needy too. "Don't worry sweetheart, I will fix your desperation." He said and undressed her jeans/pants she was wearing. He looked at her legs and kissed her right above her panty line. She whimpered a little when she felt this and bit her lip. "Mephisto.. Stop the teasing." She said getting a bit serious and he smirked at her. "Don't be so needy Princess, you will be alright." Mephisto told her and unclasped her bra. He smiled and kissed her valley between her breasts. She whimpered softly and she softly grabbed his hair. He groaned at this feeling and went down. "Watch out Princess, I'm the one in control~" He told her and went down kissing leaving small bruises on her stomach. He grabbed her panties with his teeth and went to undress it. She instantly closed her legs embarrassed. He smirked and opened her leg. "No need to be embarrassed, you will be in good hands." He kissed her clit and she whimpered. He sat up again and bent down on her. He kissed her passionatelt again and shoved a finger inside of her. She moaned in the kiss and he shoved his tongue in her mouth. The kiss was warm and passionate and he slowly fingered her. He broke the kiss and she nod at him. Mephisto shoved another finger in her and she moaned at this feeling.

His fingers moved faster inside of her and she moaned more at this feeling. Y/N moaned more and her walls tightens. "M-Mephisto!! I - I gonna cum!" She yelled and grabbed his shoulders. Mephisto smiled at her and kissed her neck and breathed. "I know, cum Princess." He entered another finger and got rougher. Y/N moaned more and soon she came all over his fingers. She left out a soft sigh. Mephisto removed his fingers and licked them clean. "You taste devine, Princess." He said and kissed her again. She kissed back and moved one of her hands in his air, and one of her arms around him. He moved a hand on her hip and one in her hair.

The passion in the kiss turned both of them even more. She got desperate just like him and she undid his shirt (Ephedian one) and touched his chest softly. He had a six pack what she really liked. He grunted at this feeling and bit his under lip. (He already undid his gloves before this all.) Y/N slowly moved her fingertips to his pants and grabbed the line and pulled it down. The tent standing in his boxers was pretty big and she bit her lip. He smiled and undressed himself till he got completely naked. He slowly moved towards her and moved the tip in front of her entrance. He slowly bent down again and whispered sweet words in her ear, she nodded and gave permission for him to move inside her.

He went inside and she teared up. He stopped halfway and let her a just his size. He was pretty big and she was even crying from the pain. He moved his thumb to her eyes to clear her tears. "Don't cry Y/N, it's going to be alright." She nodded and they shared another sweet kiss.

After some minutes the pain faded and he started to move himself in and out of her. She moaned loudly and bit her lip. He moved in and out of her slowly holding her hips and moving his hips in a slow, nice and pleasurable motion. She grabbed the sheets and the pain faded more and transformed to pleasure. "M-Mephisto faster, please!" She moaned and so did he. He moved one of his hand to the side of her head grabbing the sheets pounding faster into her. She moaned louder and they even shared a kiss. Again this kiss was passionate and very warm. She moaned into the kiss and begged for him to go faster. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and moaned again which almost turned into a scream. "I'm gonna cum!!!" She yelled and bit into his shoulder. He moaned at his feeling and gripped the sheets tight and ramming harder into her. She tightens around him moaned again. "I'm gonna cum too, Princess." He said and when he finished this sentence she came all over him. He rammed a few times in her and came in her. Little did he know he was allowed to since she can't be pregnant because she took the pill.

"Fuck.. That was amazing, Mephisto." Y/N said kissing him on the cheek. They were both out of breath and he pulled out her. Lifting her up bringing her to the bath tub. "Don't worry Y/N, I'll make sure you'll be ready for sleep." He said letting the bath fill with warm water and a bath bomb. They shared another kiss and they softly hugged. "I'll clean myself in the shower." He said putting in the shower which was in her bathroom in Iris her house too. She laid there in a comfortable bath while he cleaned himself into he shower.

-small time skip-

They were both done and dressed themselves in pajamas and cleaned the bed. Mephisto made thee for the both of them and laid comfortable in their bed. "Thanks for the good time, Mephisto." Y/N said and kissed his cheek taking sips from the warm thee. Mephisto kissed her cheek and smiled. "It's my pleasure sweetie." He said. "I love you." He added and looked at you. Her eyes teared up and she softly cried. "I love you too."

The both of them cuddled for a while before they fell asleep.

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