➳Unbreakable Power

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Mephisto POV.

What happened today at that fight? That girl and I were about to fight until our weapons touched. A blast. What was that. What happened. I need to find more about that girl.

I undid my right hand glove and looked at the scar. It was a heart with a small snake around it and a star. She made it by accident and so it was our friendship cut. I could never forget her. I will find her, no matter what it will cost.


I was at home. My earth father was yelling at me and I didn't even listen. I was listening to music and I wrote in my diary. He was mad because I was home later than usual. "Why where u home late?" He yelled and eventually when I didn't answer he hit me. I was crying and unplugged my earphones. "I was late because I had to help a friend of mine, she blacked out." I sobbed and he looked at me. "Okay I hope you had fun because I am not gonna warn you another time!" He got furious and stormed out breaking my favorite vase. "Next time you are gonna be in worse trouble!!!" He slammed the door shut and there I was, crying into my own arm again and looking at the pictures I made with my childhood friend.

This isn't the best day for me and now this? I just want to leave my house and go to Nathaniel. Maybe he is still at the smoothie bar, maybe he is with Iris. Let's just wait until tomorrow.

-time skip to the next day-

I woke up and I sat up instantly. I looked at my phone and saw Auriana called me multiple times and texted me. I walked towards my closet and grabbed F/C shorts and a F/C top. I put on my shoes, did my hair and makeup and packed my bad with my spell book, photo album and a camera. I walked out of my home towards the smoothie bar. I looked through my phone and saw Auriana texting me about meeting up in the smoothie bar. Good thing I already made the decision to go there.

I opened the door from the smoothie bar and Auriana greeted me with a hug. The other 2 laughed and I could laugh too. They smiled at me and I sat with them. Nathaniel made us smoothies and of course we drank them. "So Y/N, did you liked your first concert?" Iris started and I smiled. "Yeah, but my father wasn't happy, I came home late and he actually made sure I didn't do this again." I started. "He actually makes sure in staying home tonight." I looked at them and actually almost started crying. "Hey Y/N, it's okay, you can always stay at out home. We are here for you." Iris started. I smiled and looked up clearing my tears. "Thanks girls, I think I'm gonna pack some clothes and come to your home, I decided to stay with me new friends." I smiled Auriana hugged me really tight and laughed. The other girls laughed too. "Okay, we will help you pack your bags." Talia said and drank her smoothie. Iris smiled and looked at Nathaniel. She was blushing. I think she loves him, it's so obvious. I laughed quietly and stood up. "Let's go to my house." I smiled. The girls stood up too and we walked out of the smoothie bar on our way to my house. I saw my father stepping in his car. He is on his way to work.

"Where were you?" He asked nicely. "I was meeting up with my friends." I said quietly and looked at him. "Okay, I'm gonna go to work, I hope you will save yourself." He stepped in the car and drove away, I walked in my house they looked around. I walked straight to my bedroom and packed my clothing in. Just like my hair products and make up products and walked downstairs. "Let's get going girls." I said. Talia and Iris looked at me. "As much as we wanna go, I want to ask you something, does he know about your secret?" I looked at Iris and smiled. "No he doesn't, but I'm scared he is a magical person too. I heard him talking to someone who sounded like a man. Once the house shook because the person on the phone thingy got mad." I said but I couldn't think at all. "He even tried to hide the spell books from me, he wants me to stay weak for some reason." I looked away and the girls looked at me. "Don't worry, you're gonna be trained really good. We are gonna take care of you."

"Thank you girls, you are literally the best." I was smiling and I was happy. We walked down the stairs and I closed the door and locked it.

My new life as magical princess can begin now.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now