➳Shanilla 2

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Y/N's POV.

I was dressing up already and suddenly a note appeared in front of me. I looked through the note seeing it was from Mephisto. 'Hey, let's go to lolirock's concert. I will be in disguise as high school boy. See you soon baby<3." I smiled as he drew that heart. He's so sweet. I grabbed a jeans and shirt. After a small time I packed everything and left the house. The girls were getting ready for the show and I looked everywhere for Mephisto. I waited behind the stage for him and soon he teleported behind me. He hugged me tight and kissed my head. "Hello sunshine." He said. I was blushing and I kissed his cheek. "Hey sweetie." I said and we looked each other in the eyes. "Let's take our seats for the show." Mephisto said and we walked hand in hand to our seats. When we came there we saw Nathaniel. "Hey Nathaniel." I greeted and he turned to me. "Hey Y/N, who's your friend?" He asked looking at Mephisto. "Ahem, not friend but boyfriend and I'm Mephisto. Nice to meet you Nathaniel." Mephisto said and I was blushing. "Wait, Y/N. Where is all your hair?!" Nathaniel asked and I suddenly looked to the ground. "I tried something new." I said fast and smiled. "Well it looks nice, but your other hair looks better on you." He said and smiled at me. Soon the show began and it was beautiful. Until we all heard a terrifying laugh. Soon everyone froze in weird crystal bubbles. Only me Nathaniel, Mephisto and the princesses were left. I looked up to the sky and saw Praxina and soon i ran on the stage. "Get off the stage now!" I yelled and Praxina shot crystals at me. "Crysta-Tectus!!" I yelled and the shield protected me. "You've stolen my brother!!" She yelled and fired more crystals at me. Some hit me and I fell on the stage. I laid there hurt and shaking. "Y/N!!!" I heard Nathaniel and Mephisto yelled. I stood up and walked of the stage. I was so mad. Anger was boiling inside of me and I felt I was getting more and more powerful. Crystal Offensio!" I yelled and hit Praxina and she avoided it. She was strong.

We had a heavy fight and I was tired. Until Praxina exploded with anger. The girl, Nathaniel and Mephisto stood there in the crowd. I waved them away to a save place and than it happened. She formed a huge ball and fired it at me. I tried to remember any spell to stop it but I couldn't and than the blast hit me. I laid there on the ground. Not moving at all. Everything hurts even breathing. I heard screaming and couldn't look or hear who it was. Than I heard running. I tried to look up but everything was blurry. I noticed the girls, I think it was Nathaniel and Mephisto staying there. The girls and Nathaniel backed off and I tried to look up. Than everything went black. No sound, no vision.

Mephisto's POV.

Y/N laid there. "NOOOO!!" I yelled holding her on my arms. I felt tears pricking in my eyes and soon I let it flow. The girls and Nathaniel behind me gasped and looked at me and Praxina. "What have you done Praxina?!!" I yelled and cried more. I never felt so many sadness. I never cried about anyone before. Y/N was special to me and no one can hurt her. "What have you done Praxina..." I sobbed out and she looked at me. "She took you away from me! I don't want the last piece of family I have left!" She said and my eyes widened. Only family? NO, it can't be. Mom and dad are still alive. Right? She was about to finish her. She came down and almost launched another spell until I protected her. A shield formed in front of me and Y/N and my sister gasped. I felt Y/N stand up softly really mad. She flew a bit in the air and her eyes glowed red for a second. Just like Gramorr's eyes sometimes did. "You will never make my boyfriend cry again!" She yelled and made herself ready. I knew this. Years back she went to her shanilla. I gave her a present for her Birthday and Prax broke it. She got so mad and launched a spell. Prax didn't woke up for 2 days but Y/N didn't wake up for 1 week! I have to protect the princesses and Nathaniel for this. "Nathaniel, girls, trust me for once cover your ears when I say. It could be your death!" I said and I looked at Praxina and Y/N. "Please believe me for once." I said. Y/N's arms pointed at my sister and Prax didn't care. "Now!" I yelled and the girls and Nathaniel covered their ears. Y/N screamed loud and crystals flew from both of her hands. They hit my sister and she fell down but stood up instantly. Y/N's hair grew back too. I walked to Praxina. "Prax are you okay?" I asked and grabbed shoulder. She pushed me off but after that she hugged me. "I didn't wanna lose you." She said and she smiled looking at Y/N and at me. She smiled and let go of me letting me go to Y/N. She teleported away and I went to Y/N.

Y/N laid on the ground breathing bit by bit but still alive. "Girls?! Mephisto?! Mind to tell me what just happened here?!" Nathaniel called out. "Later Nathaniel, the only important thing right now is we have to find Y/N her parents, that means her real father and mother. Otherwise she won't make it." I said and picked her up. The girls nodded looking at each other Amaru transformed into a magical horse and they took Nathaniel with them. The girls talked to Nathaniel what happened and soon I found the place where her mother stayed. My mother told me about this place where her mother stayed.

"Girls, Nathaniel, be nice to her mother okay." I said and they nodded. Y/N who I still had in my hands slowly woke up. We walked in the secret place and I called out her name. "Cynthia? Are you there?" and soon I got my answer. "Yes come further." She said and we walked towards the room where she sat with Y/N her second father. "Y/N got into a fight, and she used her power and now I'm scared she's not waking up." I said and suddenly her eyes widened. She grabbed a drink from one of the many cupboards and gave it to me. "Wake her up and give her this drink. She will feel better in no time. I have to grab the spell book, give me a small minute." She said and I woke her up. "I thought you needed her real father too?" Iris said and I got mad. "Yes she does, she keeps her real father a secret from everyone. Only she and her new husband know and I maybe think who her real father is. But telling you now is not the time." I said and gave y/n the drink. She grabbed my hand and held it tight. "What happened Mephisto?" She asked me and I looked at her. "You blacked out during a small fight. But now drink this. You'll get better." I said and she drank it. "I wanna go home." She whined and I smiled. "It's okay, just wait." I said and held her hand tighter too. Her mother came back and told me a few things before we left. We all left back to earth to the cabin me and Y/N stayed last time. "Girls, Nathaniel, I have to go to my sister. Take care of Y/N. I'll be back tomorrow morning around 10 okay?" I said and the girls look at me. "Yes, and you have to explain a LOT to us." Talia said. "Yes, see you tomorrow." I said about to teleport away. "Wait, please." Y/N said and looked at me. She stood up and kissed me. "Be safe." She said and smiled at me. "I will." I said and teleport away. She smiled.

Y/N's POV.

I heard Nathaniel and the girls talk. "So Y/N is a magical princess who went trough a magical power state and that's why she didn't have much hair?" I heard Nate ask. "Yes, but she had to fight against the evil twin sister of Mephisto, but Mephisto isn't evil against Y/N. But they're actually both evil." Talia said. "Yeah, I was so far. But why didn't you tell me sooner. I could've protected you 4, and the little furball of cource." Nathaniel said. "It would give humans traumatic experiences and we couldn't let that happen." "All of you, listen. No one except Nate can know this secret. That could be the end of lolirock." I said looking at them. "Yeah, Y/N is right." Auriana said.

- a whole talk later it was 9:30 p.m.-

"Y/N, Nate and us are going home, will you save yourself?" Iris asked and looked at me with concern. "Yes have a good night rest." I said and smiled. "Good night Y/N." The girls and Nathaniel said and left the cabin. I soon fell asleep too.

??????? POV.

"Sweet daughter, I will find you and soon you will be happy again."

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now