➳First kiss

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Talia's POV.

Iris ran towards us and was panting a lot. "Girls! Y/N her secret friend is Mephisto!" She said and I gasped. "Are you sure about that?" I asked her and she nod. "I'm 100% sure about this. I saw them hug and she even said 'bye Mephisto'." She said. "We better keep an eye on her. On them. We can't let it happen that she's a spy." I said and they all nod. "I agree. Let's keep this silent from now."

Y/N's POV.

I came home and I saw the girls in the kitchen eating something. I took a seat next Auriana and she smiled at me. "So, how went your photograph session?" Iris asked and looked at me. "Well, I was photographing and my best friend came to me." I started and smiled to myself. "I have another photography session. Maybe I'm home late." I added and smiled at myself. I started thinking about the date I am gonna have with Mephisto. The picnic is gonna be awesome. I feel it.

"Girls, we have to train, it's 6.30 now and if we train for like a hour or 2 hours we can we stronger." Talia suddenly said and I smiled bringing my backpack to my room following the girls to the training area.

After the training we drank some tea and started watching our favorite show. Around 10.15 we were heading to bed and took or goodnight rest. I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking what to wear for the date, how my hair would be, and how do I act? I am hopeless right now. I have to take deep breaths and fall asleep. Just take a shower, do your hair in a bun, wear a dress, flat shoes and no make up. Perfect. 

-next morning-

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 01:15 p.m.?!! OMG I have 45 minutes to be at our date and I am a disaster!! I ran towards the shower and set a timer on 15. After a short shower I dried my hair and I put it in a nice high bun and made sure It wouldn't fall off.

 After a short shower I dried my hair and I put it in a nice high bun and made sure It wouldn't fall off

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I walked back to my room and grabbed a nice F/C dress and fitting shoes. When I grabbed my backpack to be ready to go i forgot something. My camera. When I had everything ready I checked the time and walked towards the picnic Mephisto made for us. Than I got a letter from Mephisto. "Picnic in the forest, see you there." I read from the letter and smiled. Now I just have walk a little time before I am really there.

A small walk later I saw a beautiful lit up place and a blanket on the ground with a small basket. Small lamps hung on the trees and the dark surroundings made it way more beautiful. I was blushing and smiling. There stood Mephisto making the last finishing touch for the picnic. I sneaked up to him and hugged him from behind. He jumped a little and smiled at me. "Hey Y/N, you actually came." He said happy and I smiled. "Of course I did, you are my friend." I said and let go of him. We sat down on the blanket and as usual he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder and he packed out the basket. He bought human food for me? How sweet. "I bought some snacks and I hope you like them since I am not so familiar with earthling food." He said and had that small laugh of his which was extremely adorable. I looked at it and saw my (favorite flavored drink) and (favorite sweets) with some Cheetos chips. I smiled at him and hugged him tight. "Those are my favorites! You are the best!" I said and grabbed the drink opening the bottle. He grabbed 2 champagne glasses and I laughed at him. "H-Hey! Why are you laughing? These are glasses!" He said getting a bit grumpy. I took a photo for in my album and wrote something on the back. 'This sweetheart brought champagne glasses and not normal glasses.' I kept laughing and he started to laugh too. "What is even the difference?" he asked looking away with a huge blush. "Champagne is foor New Years Eve on earth or for weddings, not for a picnic." I smiled and let him duplicate the photo. "Ohhhh, okay. I'm sorry." He said giving me that 'Upset as Fuck' face. "Don't be sorry, I think it's pretty cute. And you couldn't know." I said and held his hand. 

So the date went on and then it was 4.30 p.m. I looked at my phone and smiled at him laying my head in a comfortable position on his chest. He looked at me and I looked at him. Our eyes met each other. his emerald green eyes met my E/C eyes and a blush crept on my cheeks. A smile appeared on his face and laid his head on mine. Suddenly he pulled away and stood up cleaning everything up. I can say he really enjoyed this date thingy. He was so nice to me and we made some hilarious photo's together. We laughed a lot together and so it was time for us to go back to were we belong. "Hey Y/N? Do you want to go with me to the light show in K/N?" I was blushing and smiled. This light show was special. A lot of different colours of light were up in the air and it was literally fabulous to watch. "Yes, I would love to go with you." And soon he made the basket and blanket disappear and even cleaned everything up. We teleported to K/N and took a special spot in the grass to look at the sky and trees. The trees were decorated with small lights and almost every colour was to be seen. This is going to be an amazing night.

Iris' POV.

Y/N still didn't come back so I alarmed the girls about this. "Let's do a crystal locatum spell to find her, maybe she got kidnapped." Auriana mentioned and soon we grabbed a photo of her that was hanging in her room. We held each others hands. "Crystalocum Ostandere!" We called out and saw Y/N sitting close to, MEPHISTO?! Oh no no no no this is bad news. "We have to get her back." Talia mentioned and soon we were in Y/N her kingdom looking at them from behind. We didn't say anything and would attack Mephisto when something was wrong. 

Y/N's POV.

Mephisto moved a bit away and suddenly held my hands. He took a deep breath and looked at me. Our eyes met again like in the forest at our picnic. A blush crept on my cheeks and I smiled at him. He smiled back. "I have to admit you look very beautiful tonight." He complimented me but it was more than a compliment to me. "You look very handsome tonight." I said to him seeing him blush was cute. When the show began I leaned on him and he wrapped his arms around me. We took some pictures together and suddenly the last show was about to begin. Mephisto and I looked each other in the eyes again and he placed a hand gently on my cheek and smiled. We both leaned in and closed our eyes. Our lips touched softly and we shared a caring, sweet, lovingly and gentle kiss together. After a small time we parted away from each other and smiled at each other. I was blushing a lot and put my hand on my mouth. He made a photograph of the kiss and in the background the light show. We looked at each other and I cuddled against him again. "I love you, Y/N." Mephisto said and softly rubbed my shoulder/arm. "I love you too, Mephisto." I said and looked up at the finale of the light show. It was breath taking and after the show I almost dozed off to sleep until Mephisto kept me awake. "Stay awake, you have to go back to the princesses." He mentioned and held my hand. "Can we go to the cabin I showed you yesterday. We can sleep together this night. I don't wanna go home yet." I said and started blushing. He stood up helping me and looked into my eyes. "Sure, let's go to there. I think Prax will be mad at me, but I still care more about you than her at the moment." Mephisto said and softly hugged me. Before we knew we were in the cabin and both sat on the bed. It was a big bed so we could share. "Y/N, I'll make the bed more comfortable, you can get dressed to your pajamas if you want." He said and I smiled. I had a spare pajamas in the cabin since it was my little hide out for my earth father. I grabbed the oversized T-shirt that was in a small cupboard and started undressing. "Wow wow wow, are you giving me a show or do I have to look away?" He asked teasingly and  I laughed at his comment. "You can do whatever you want, I love you after all." I said and put on the T-shirt and undid my shoes and hopped in the now much more comfortable bed. "There is a T-shirt for you too in the cupboard there." I said pointing at the cupboard. "Thanks." He said and started to undress too. I laughed a little because his hair was messy now. He hopped in next to me and we held each other close and shared another soft kiss.

"Are we now Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" I asked looking away and he smiled. "We are, I think we are." Mephisto said and turned me in a spooning position. It was comfortable and I soon feel asleep. 

Iris' POV.

They didn't just kiss. "Did they just kiss and tell each other they loved each other?!" Auriana said and started to look at us. "They did." Talia began. "We have to speak with her about it." She said and I thought deep. "Look girls, I know we have to speak up but we can't. Y/N will be disappointed in us and will lose trust in us. We have to wait till they tell us." I said to them and we went back to earth. "Girls let's discuss about this tomorrow." Auriana said to us and went to her room. Talia and I went to our room too and changed to sleep. I never expected this to happen.

➳𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔♡ 𝐌𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now