➳Movie time

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Mephisto's POV.

Y/N and I were about to head home to watch the horror movies. She informed the girls about this and that we wanted some time alone. The girls understood and left to the smoothie bar. Aunt Ellen as the girls call her, understood too and she left some snacks for us. She is so nice. "So Y/N, what movie is it gonna be?" I asked and she looked at me. "Friday the 13th." She said. I knew from Iris that it was an unlucky day. "Nice, should I grab the snacks?" I asked and about to walk to the kitchen. "Yes please." She said and so I grabbed the snacks. We both walked upstairs to her room. She put on the movie and I made her bed a comfortable spot. When we sat down she leaned against me. I made the room dark and she leaned closer against me. She was shaking a little.

The movie started and I smiled at her and kissed her head. She is the sweetest girl I know. Than we heard a load sound and Y/N grabbed a small crystal thingy making sound. The girls need help. I teleported me and Y/N to the girls and we saw Praxina attacking them. Y/N transformed and she looked beautiful in Y/C dress and her hair was so soft. "Oh pathetic brother." She started and I felt bad. "Me and Gramorr discussed and we both came to a conclusion. We are replacing you." She said and I looked at her. "We replaced you with Y/N her earth father, who's not a real earthling." She said and she laughed maniac like. I felt anger build up inside of me and Y/N comforted me a bit. Y/N her earth father attacked her and I had to help the princesses against the monster and Praxina. I never fought my sister and her monsters before but I felt stronger since I trained a bit with the princesses. I hope Y/N is alright. 

Y/N's POV.

I fought my father and he was stronger. Until he blasted me away. It was stronger than Praxina her blast and I felt myself fall away. I stood up in pain and he hit me with that baseball bat. I tried to stop my anger but couldn't and raised in the air. Every time when he tried to attack me he failed. Soon I blasted him away. I dropped to the ground feeling numb. "Y/N! Are you okay?" I heard Iris call out and I looked at her. "I am. Crystal Luxtra?" I asked as me and the girls used the spell to blast away the crystal monster. I saw so many sadness in Mephisto his eyes. "Mephisto, honey, are you alright?" I asked and he just turned his back. "I'm okay.. I just need need to progress what happened." He answered and gave me a faint smile. "I felt bad for him. "Hey.. My father betrayed me and so did Prax to you. You deserve better Mephisto, you really do." I said and hugged him. I felt all his sadness deep inside him. "Let's find out who your real father is shall we?" He said and I looked down. "Yes." I said and looked at the girls. "Y/N, are you ready?" Talia asked me and soon we left to K/N. Me and Mephisto went inside my home and this girls waited outside. I searched in my mother her room for that little case where the secret his. Soon when I found it I walked outside with Mephisto I sat on my knees in front of the truth. The girls far behind in a vision they can see me and the case. I unlocked the case and opened it slowly. My mouth fell open and my vision became blurry of the tears that were forming in my eyes. "N-No it can't be.." I said and Mephisto grabbed my hand. Walking from behind made me and Mephisto turn around I gasped and started crying. 

"Hello daughter."

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