Birthday Twins

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Michael POV

Today is finally the day! I turn 18 aka finally find my mate. I don't really care who they are I will love them regardless boy or girl. Even though I've never dated a boy. I'll still love him. No matter what. I couldn't go to sleep last night so it is currently 7:30 and suddenly I felt a ball of energy, that probably means my mate is up now I suddenly got happy and jumped out of bed and got ready. When I went downstairs I seen Papa and daddy sitting at the table with smiles on their faces.
"Hello, my 18 year old son, are you ready to find your mate." Papa asked
"Hell yeah,"
"Sorry daddy, but yes I am ready. I can't wait to hold them and tell them I love them and fu- I mean ... nevermind."
"That's what I thought."
"Where's Rebecca, I have to say happy birthday." Rebecca is my beta we were born on the say day hut we like to call each other twin.
"In her room."
I ran to her room and seen her crying.
"Becca what's wrong?"
"What if my mate rejects me? I'm not good for them. I'm so skinny that you can see my bones and I'm ugly."
" Rebecca chill, we're supposed to be happy, it's our birthday, plus you were literally voted hottest girl in school, come on, get ready because I know one things for sure I know your ready to loose your v-card." I said looking at her diary. She gasped. We save ourselves for our mates.
" God damnit Michael why would you do that." She said laughing a little.
" Don't act like you haven't read mine."
" I have but that's not the case."
" Come on let's go find our mates." I said getting her out of bed. But as soon as the covers were off of her she was literally wearing the same out fit as me.
" Are you serious, change right now."
"No Michael, I'm too tired to."
" Whatever let's go."
We raced to the car ready to find out mate. When we pulled up to the school, I automatically smelled a mixed of the woods, vanilla, and strawberries.
MATE, THATS OUR MATE GO FIND HIM NOW!! My wolf Axel screamed in my head.
No need for screaming, so it's a he huh?
Okay, dammit Axel.
" Well Axel just smelled our mate so he's going crazy, come on."
The closer I got to the door the stronger the sent got and by the way Rebecca stiffened she smelled her mate too. As soon we walked in the school I seen a beautiful girl, I was disappointed because Axel said it was a boy but clearly that's a girl.
You fucking idiot that's a boy go talk to him NOW!!
I just ignored Axel and walked over to him. I looked over to Rebecca and her eyes Changing from her normal blue eyes to grey which means she's talking to her wolf. She looked back at me nervously.
"Found them?" She nodded.
"Her." She pointed to a girl across from my mate. She looked happy but still nervous. Rebecca always want a female as a mate so I was happy for her.
I said my goodbyes to Rebecca and when to talk to my mate. I stood a little too close behind him and when he turned around bumped into me. I instantly felt Sparks fly. He fell on the ground causing me to whine. He's beautiful I'm so lucky and I know he was checking me out because I could see and smell his arousal. I smiled putting my hand out for him to get. He got the message and reached for my hand but quickly retracted after feeling the Sparks. He grabbed my hands once again and when he was standing, I may or may not have checked him out. OMG, he is fucking perfect he could fit in my arms I could just tell. I seen his curves and automatically my mind went to what I would do to him in every position possible but quickly forgot about it and covered my growing erection with me binder.
God damn he's tall. Yeah a tall glass of milk I would like to drink. As an alpha I can read minds but it takes a lot of practice. I smiled at him fighting the urge to comment.
"MINE!" I said looking him in his eyes.
I would totally let him dominate me anytime anyplace. He thought and that didn't make anything better.
Let me out I wanna see my mate, Michael damn! I swear I will kill you in your sleep. He yelled.
Axel you have been threatening to do that since I was 14 and I thought about kissing a girl. Plus you wouldn't do that to our mate would you. He whined and that was enough of an answer I needed. I was about to speak but before I could the girl, Rebecca's mate, came running to him grabbing him. I growled. I'm the jealous type, don't judge.
"Bestie we have to go or we'll be late, excuse me, come on." She burst through and grabbing his hand and pulled him to class. Saying I was jealous was an understatement I was pissed nobody touches him but me. As he walked away I could help but look at his ass it was swaying and jiggling I couldn't help. That is until he turned around and seen me looking so I turned away blushing - which is really unusual - and walked the other way to class. I didn't do any thing the first three hours of school because my mind was on my mate. I didn't even get his name. But I'll find out. I hope we have the same lunch so I can see him. I really miss him already. Ugh he's going to be the death of me.

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