Here Goes Nothing

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Caleb POV

So it's the end of the day and we're on our way to my house so he can tell me his big secret. I swear this feels like some cleche movie. Football captain/Basketball captain/ Lacrosse captain/ Track captain falls for the short timid kid with depression issues. Which brings me to my next point is he falling for me?
When we pulled into my house I was a little nervous because my dad was here. Usually he'll be at work so why is he here? Anyway we walked to the door and I unlocked it automatically my dad is in my face.
"Young man that was rude of you this morning to close the door while I was tal-" he noticed Michael.
"Who you?"
"Dad, this is Mich-"
"I was talking to him Caleb now move." He shoved me out the way and I heard Michael growl. Okay what's up with that.
"I'm Michael Cullen sir. But if you don't mind me asking, why did you just push your son out of the way when all he was doing was trying to introduce me?"
"Well, don't worry about that, you act like you can't speak."
"I can but with all due respect, that was really rude sir."
"Anyway, what's he doing here Caleb?" He asked turning to me.
"We have to do a project in class."
"Okay. Your mom's cooking y'all should before y'all get to work."
"Sure, father."
He walked in the kitchen and I looked over at Michael to see him looking angry. I touched his shoulder and seen him relax and told him to follow me to the kitchen.
"Hey mother."
"Cal, and his friend? Honey oh my God. I have never met anyone of your friends."
"I know right, I didn't think he had any." My dad said.
"Wow, dad I'll pretend like that didn't hurt."
"Well, suck it up your a boy for fucks sake damn."
"Louis watch your tone when you talk to my son."
"He's my son too."
"Oh really? Then act like it."
All jokes aside my mother is really Savage no filter over that mouth guess where I got it from.
"Hello, my name is Miranda and you are?"
"Michael, Michael Cullen."
"Nice to meet you Michael."
"Same here. Mrs. Spence."
"Nonsense call me Miranda. Come I've made enough food for everyone."
"So you play any sports?" Of course classic dad always worried about sports.
"Yes sir. I'm the football captain, basketball captain, Lacrosse captain and the track captain."
"Wow, impressive, "
Oh god, here we go again. I thought
Michael looked at me.
"Say Caleb, how come you don't play any sports?"
"Dad for the millionth time, I don't want to play sport it's not my cup of tea."
"And what is your cup of tea? Huh son? Writing songs about your feelings so other people who go through what you went through would know they're not alone." Those words sound familiar then it hit me.
"You went through my journal!?"
"You will not raise your voice at me and yes I did and I threw it away."
"YOU WHAT!?" To say I was pissed was an understatement.
"Mom, you let him do that??"
"For fucks sake Caleb stop acting like a little fucking baby. It's a book. And book of nonsense at that the only books you should be looking at is books at school that's it. No more bullshit. Do you understand me boy?"
"Yes father." I said looking down.
"We're gonna go work on our project."
"Okay Cal."
We walked up stairs and into my room and closed the door. I just wanted to cry and I didn't know I did until Michael wiped a tear.
"I am so sorry Caleb."
"It's okay. Tough love right? Maybe one day I'll be the son he wants me to be."
"Do you still wanna know? Or wait because it can."
"I need a distraction so yeah. I do."
"I'm a werewolf. And your my mate."
"Werewolf? Cool. But what's a mate." I've always loved werewolfves it's my spirit animal anyway.
"Wow that was easier than I thought but a mate is someone who your meant to be with, your other half, they make you stronger."
"So we're?" He nodded.
"And meant to be?" He nodded again.
"Can I see your wolf?"
"Yeah I can take you to my house because my parents want to meet you anyway." I blushed.
*1 hour later*
"Come let's go show you Axel." He said.
"My wolf." I just nodded.
I asked my mom could I spend the night at Michael's house and she said yes so I grabbed my bad and we were off.
"That's the house right there."
"Holy shit. It's huge." He chuckled.
"Seriously this house is fucking huge." He leaned in.
"Just wait. It's not the only huge thing you'll see." He whispered nibbling on my ear lobe. I blushed.
We walked into the house and it looked beyond amazing then I seen two men at a table smiling over at us. I hid in Michael's side.
"It's okay babe, if they wanted to hurt you wouldn't have brought you here."
"Oh yeah, I forgot. Do you maybe wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked nervously.
"Awwwww." I turned around and seen Rebecca and Amyla and the two men from earlier.
"Am I always last to know everything?"
"Yeap, now spill beans. Did you mate yet?" Myla asked.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, he didn't tell you. Nevermind that's not my business. He'll let you know."
"Hello, my name is Randy Michael's Papa and this is my beautiful mate and husband Spencer Michael's daddy."
"Wait, two dad's."
"Yeah. Daddy got pregnant." He said casually.
"Umm. Wow. Impressive."
"Don't worry you'll be carrying my pups soon."
"I know. What I'm impressed about is how he pushed you huge head out of him." Michael pouted.
"My head's not that big."
"Michael, I love you but yes it is." I laughed and then I realized I just said ' I love you '.
"You what?"
"I said I love you." Okay where is this boldness coming from?
"I love you too." He said and kissed me. Picking me up.
"Awwwww" the others said.
"Put him down I wanna talk to my son-in-law." Spencer said.
"Umm. Hi" then he hugged me. It felt nice like I finally had a father. I felt a tear slip down my faces.
"Oh baby, what's wrong?"
"Nothing it's a long story that I really can't deal with." I looked over to Amyla which meant tell them later. I trust her so she know everything.
"What's your name honey?"
"Caleb Omar Spence. Sir."
"Did you just say Omar?" He looked at me amazed.
"Uhh. Yes sir."
"That's Michael's middle name as well. Wow. I guess the moon Goddess really was in y'all favor."
"Wow. So I just have to asked. Do you have any embarrassing photos and stuff of Michael?" I asked innocently.
"I thought you'd never ask."
"Oh no you don't."Michael said.
"Uh-uhn mister let me spend time with my son-in-law."
"Yeah let me spend time with my daddy."
Spencer looked at me with a proud smile and I smiled back he quickly wiped a tear.
" Okay whatever but please daddy nothing too embarrassing."
"That's the good stuff. Duh." I said and started  running with Michael right behind me.
*2 hours later*
"OMG babe, you toosh was so cute."
"This is so embarrassing."
"Is it still cute?"
"I don't know. You'll have to wait and see."
"Well I'll be waiting." I said winking and smirked when I seen his erection.
Wow, now how in the hell is that going to fit in me?
" Hey Caleb are you ready to meet Axel cause he is dying to meet you."
"As ready as I'll ever be. Hey Axel. I know you can heard me." I said biting my lip. His eyes fully turned gold.
"You better stop that, kitten or I won't have mercy on that ass of yours." He whispered in my ear.
"The one and only, and only yours."
"Just go show him the damn wolf already." Spencer said.
"Right." Michael said me seeing his grey eyes again.

Here goes nothing ....

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