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"Hey, (Y/N)!" Hamm called. "How ya been hanging in there?"

"Okay, I guess." You shrugged with an unsure look on your face. "I honestly don't know if I'll ever get used to this. It's weird being an actual toy."

"You'll get the hang of it soon enough. Just keep doing what you've been doing!"

"Thanks, Hamm." You smiled as you both walked off at the same time.

You had only been Andy's toy for about a week now, and you were beginning to worry that you might never get used to being played with as an actual toy. So far, there was only one toy who knew what you had went through for the most part, but even then, you barely gave him a piece of the big picture.

"(Y/N)! Wanna play?" Slinky called as he finished setting up the checkerboard.

"Sure, but you might have to walk me through it again...." You smiled weakly, rubbing the back of your neck in a sheepish manner. "I'm still not too good at Checkers yet."

"That's alright. You'll get the hang of it eventually!" He laughed.

You noticed that was becoming an everyday trend with basically every toy. No matter what it was you did, or even what you didn't do, you always got almost the exact same response from everyone. "You'll get the hang of it." That's what you were always told, sometimes verbatim.

Slinky walked you through the game as it progressed. You didn't feel like you had remembered anything more than the last time you played, which you honestly expected. You didn't know what it was, but your memory really hadn't been at its best since you got to Andy's. It probably had something to do with actually being active and lively for the first time in years.

When you finished being beaten by Slinky again at Checkers, you thanked him and went off to mingle with some more toys. Everyone knew your name by now, but you were ashamed to admit you were having a hard time remembering the names of some specific toys.

"(Y/N)! How are you doing, honey?" Bo Peep asked as she came into view. "Are you feeling better?"

"I mean, being a toy definitely is going to take some getting used to." You replied with a small smile. "By the way, is it bad that I'm constantly paranoid that Andy will accidentally break me?"

"I'm not really sure." Bo replied. "I never really thought about it at all, but I know you've been through some tough times. That fear might go away as you get more comfortable here, though." She gently grasped her hook as she once more gave you her eye contact. "But if there's one thing I can tell you, it's that Andy won't break you. He's very careful with his toys, especially me. He knows better at his age."

"I really hope so." You frowned, absent-mindedly raising your hand to cover the chip in your cheek to hide it from sight. You were heavily ashamed of the small cracks and tiny missing piece from your face. It's not like it had been your fault, though. It was just another part of the cycle albeit practically the beginning of it.

"I mean, if he didn't care for you, he wouldn't have made you a special spot." She smiled sweetly, pointing to your small platform that rested on the desk with her hook. It was well away from the sides of the desk, and Andy even asked his mom to sew a cushion around it in case you were to accidentally fall off it. Then you wouldn't get any unnecessary and accidental damage. "If he didn't care as much about you as he does, then he wouldn't have made that."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." You smiled warmly, remembering as you watched the boy and his mother put the entire set together. It took a while, and for some reason, you couldn't explain how warm you felt when you saw how excited Andy had been. "I guess I just don't understand why he would want to play with me though."

"How so?"

"I mean, I was already broken to begin with." You mumbled the first part before continuing on louder. "But I'm porcelain! And I'm a doll! Basically an easy-to-break girl toy! So why would a boy like him want a girly, weak thing like me?"

"Because Andy wanted to give you a chance." A voice spoke up from beside you. You nearly jumped with a shriek as you turned to see Woody looking at you. "Every toy has their perfect kid out there, and Andy managed to be in the right place at the right time."

"And sweetie, you aren't a weak lil' thing." Bo frowned. "You're a lot stronger than you think you are. Even though I don't know your past, I know for sure that it took a lot of courage for you to hang in there all that time."

"The only weak toys in this world are the ones that give up and the ones that don't know just how important it is to have a kid of their own." Woody added firmly.

"I don't think 'weak' is the right word to use there...." You quietly said with a small smirk, thinking about how his comment sounded somewhat offensive in general.

"Close enough." Woody said, physically waving off your comment. "All that matters here is that Andy chose you, Andy wants you, and Andy will keep you. You aren't going anywhere, I promise."

"I seriously hope so." You frowned. "I can't go back to any of that!"

Bo looked at you sympathetically before smiling fondly at you. She walked closer to you and gently placed her fingers under you chin, making you look up at her. "Hey, us porcelain dolls have to stick together. That means you will stay here with me and my friends."

You softly giggled. "Thanks, Bo. That really means a lot to me." You smiled at her, giving a nod to assure her that you truly did feel better after you heard her words.

Suddenly, the toys heard Andy's voice from downstairs. It sounded like he said something about coming upstairs.

Woody gasped. "Everyone, back to your positions! Hurry!"

The toys scattered to get to their places and you quickly, yet carefully, climbed onto the desk and sat on your small platform and resumed your dainty pose. After talking with Bo and Woody, you felt extremely confident about the next playtime. You had a feeling that Bo would probably become a very close friend, as would Woody, and they would both be there for you.

Adjusting to the life of a toy might not be so bad.

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