Christmas Miracle

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A short while later, everyone was summoned at the Celtic's tower. There, when he realized Trixie and Reptillus were nowhere in sight, he took control of Rex and forced him to pull Woody and Buzz out from the Goliathon.

"I can't help it!" Rex cried out when the two shouted in dismay. For some reason, the creature also threw up Christmas Kitty. You hadn't realized it was gone until now.

"Hey! Hey, that's Mason and Bonnie." Woody pointed out, and you noticed he had gotten a glimpse of the binocular mechanism of the Celtic's.

"Oh, I get it." Buzz growled. "You're glad Mason got the Optimum X."

"He plays there. While I rule here." The Celtic smirked down at you three. "My Battlesaurs have no use for play. They have everything they need, content in their ignorance."

"What's ignorance?" You heard one of his minions mutter, to which his partner gave him a perplexed look and a shrug.

"You've been a busy little tyrant." You hissed in a furious huff. "And only two days since Christmas."

"Ka-Rist-Maas?" The Celtic asked slowly as he passed by you, stopping to eye you skeptically.

Christmas Kitty quietly answered, "The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you."

"Aw." One of the minions cooed as his pupils widened in adoration. The Celtic scoffed, hitting his minion in the face with its own spear.

"You will all be cast into the pit." He declared, an evil smirk forming on his beak.

"Pit?" You, Woody, and Buzz, and Rex each asked at different times. The evil old dinosaur simply cackled maniacally.

Rex was forced to carry Woody and Buzz over to the Pit while you and Christmas Kitty were held at spear point. As everyone slowly marched closer, the surrounding Battlesaurs clacked their spears against the hard floor, creating an unnerving ceremonial tribe pulse. For whatever reason, Christmas Kitty also felt the need to start playing a melody from "A Winter's Carol" on its tiny instrument.

This began to infuriate the Battlesaurs, so by the time everyone got close enough to the Pit, one of the goons snatched the tiny musical piece and threw it into the open vent. It was shattered into a million pieces as it made contact with the rapidly spinning fan inside.

Woody and Buzz screamed in utter terror as Rex's mechanics forced him to dangle them over the deadly fan. The Celtic toyed with them behind the controller, jerking the controls so that the two were abruptly forced lower and lower towards their doom. "No, leave them alone!" You cried from off to the side, but that only made the evil dinosaur cackle louder.

"(Y/N)!" Woody cried out in alarm. "Get out of here!"

"Not without you!" You sobbed back. "I won't leave without you guys!"

And thankfully, you wouldn't have to. The lights of the room suddenly flicked on as Mason and Bonnie entered the room. Bright smiles were on their faces as they ran, and you noticed that Reptillus was in Mason's hand. They quickly gathered all of the toys, taking you and your friends away from the dreaded Pit in the process, and the dual playtime you all originally awaited for began. It was a Christmas miracle that worked so well in your favor.

Mason and Bonnie worked so well together as playmates. They always came up with the greatest ideas on their own, but together, the craziest and wildest of plans were formed. The two even broke out some catchy disco music on Mason's radio! It was one of the best playtimes in a while, and you enjoyed every moment of it until the time came for Bonnie to return home.

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