The Motel

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(A/N: I will do Toy Story of Terror first, then That Time Forgot. I might do Hawaiian Vacation, but after that, it's on to Toy Story 4!)

"Ah!" A very shrill shriek emitted, nearly blowing out your eardrums.

"Watch out! He's right behind you!" Rex yelled, standing up in panic as he blocked the screen.

"Hey, down in front!" Potato Head snapped.

The dinosaur apologized and sat back down. "Oh, uh, sorry."

As Betsy, the main character in the horror movie, began to run, Trixie sighed, "Oh, come on. There's no way she can outrun a vampire."

"Oh, don't listen to her, Betsy. You can do it. Don't give up." Woody mumbled.

"Help! Open the door!" Betsy cried.

The vampire cackled as he slowly approached from behind her. "No one can help you now, Betsy."

"Boring!" You groaned.

"Patience." Pricklepants said calmly. "All great horror films start slowly. You see, they're designed-"

"Tactics, Betsy, tactics." Buzz called out, the depth of his voice overtaking the stuffed porcupine's. "Look for something to defend yourself with!"

Betsy picked up a small glass vase. "Oh, technically, that'll be useless." Pricklepants pointed out matter-of-factually. He was starting to get on your nerves. "Everybody knows a wooden stake through the heart is the only way to kill a vampire!"

As the movie slowly progressed, Betsy went to investigate a noise. The movie fell eerily silent as he opened a curtain, revealing a black cat that hissed loudly. Everyone in the trunk of the car jumped n fright.

"A cat? Come on, guys, this isn't scary." Jessie stated in boredom from beside you. However, she was almost cut short when the car hit a rough bump. You both went falling backwards, becoming locked in the very small, dark toolbox.

"Help!" She cried out as she began to hyperventilate, kicking her legs furiously. "Get me out of here!"

"No, no!" You shrieked in panic, starting to vigorously tremble in fear. "Somebody, please help!"

"Jessie!" Buzz gasped in alarm.

"(Y/N)!" Woody joined in, just as concerned. "We have to get them out!" All of your friends ran over and worked together to force the container open. Their faces stared on in alarm at you and Jessie, both of you bearing wide-eyed expressions as you continued to panic.

"What's the matter with Jessie and (Y/N)?" Trixie asked quietly.

"They were abandoned in a box for years." Potato Head replied.

"I couldn't.... I couldn't find a way out." Jessie wheezed as Buzz pulled her into his arms. Likewise, Woody lifted you bridal style as he tried to calm you down.

"Mom, can I bring my toys?" Bonnie's voice was heard as she exited the car. The toys immediately rushed back into the suitcase, Buzz carrying Jessie and Woody carrying you as the two of you were pretty much out of commission. Woody zipped up the suitcase just as Bonnie's mother opened the trunk.

"The roadside motel is one of the most common locales for a horror film." Pricklepants started. "Remote, isolated, ordinary. A comforting environment to allay the suspicions of the audience. I expect they'll be asking the innkeeper to use the telephone any minute now."

"Would it be okay if I used your phone? Our car has a flat." Bonnie's mom asked as soon as he finished speaking.

"Right on cue."

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