Sid's House

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The car ride to Pizza Planet was exceptionally fast. The driver was going at such ridiculous speeds that the wheels of the vehicle often left the ground, especially when reaching the top of a hill. Buzz didn't really pay any attention, but you were definitely thankful for the seatbelt around you.

When you actually got to the restaurant, you were in awe by how nice it looked. It definitely looked fairly futuristic, especially with the animated robots at the doors. Buzz seemed very excited about the place, but you knew it was because he believed it was an actual space hub or something along those lines.

Once the driver left the vehicle, leaving the pizza slips behind, Buzz unbuckled the seatbelt and jumped up to the window that looked into the back. "Sheriff!" He called, sliding the doors open as you joined him in looking through the window. "The entrance is heavily guarded. We need a way to get inside."

You saw Woody slowly raise his head in a daze from beneath a heavy trunk of sorts. He had a Pizza Planet cup on his head, which he was pushing up so he could see. You saw the unsettling dizziness in his eyes. You wanted to feel bad, but at the same time, it was his fault for being stubborn.

"Great idea, Woody. I like your thinking." Buzz smiled in regards to the Pizza Planet cup. You and Buzz jumped through the window and joined Woody in the back. Buzz found a nugget box for his disguise, and Woody prepared the cup as he slowly came back to his senses. Luckily, there was another cup in the back that you could use, seeing as how you were too tall for a nugget box.

Once the three of you were ready, you all headed to the doors and waited in the shadows off to the side. As soon as a family came by and activated the automatic doors, the three of you hustled into the restaurant. You guys eventually discarded your disguises after you creeped into the cracks between a group of arcade machines.

"What a spaceport!" Buzz declared in awe, looking at the Pizza Planet decor from behind an arcade machine. "Great work, Woody! Now, we need to find a ship that's headed for Sector 12."

"Wait a minute. No, no, no, Buzz. This way!" Woody said, dragging him in the other direction. "There's a special ship. I just saw it." You followed his line of sight, seeing Andy in front of one of the consoles across the walkway.

"You mean it has hyperdrive?" Buzz asked.

"Hyperactive hyperdrive." Woody smiled when you giggled softly at his clever choice of words. "And astro, uh, turf!"

"Where is it? I don't see the-" Buzz cut himself off as he gasped quietly. You looked over to him with alert, following his fixed gaze to see a giant red spaceship a small ways away. "Spaceship!"

He ran out of the shadows and over to the ship. "Wait, Buzz!" You called out in a harsh whisper. You turned to Woody who was unaware of Buzz's new intention.

"Alright, Buzz and (Y/N), get ready. Okay, when I say go, we're gonna jump in the basket." He was cut off when you gave his arm a sharp tug. "Huh? (Y/N)!" He exclaimed. "What're you-"

"Buzz is going awol!" You pointed to Buzz, who was jumping into a slot on the red spaceship.

"Buzz!" Woody growled with frustration as Andy walked past where the two of you were standing. "This cannot be happening to me!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you with him to the spaceship. "Stay here, I'll get him out. You'll be safer out here."

You nodded, crawling underneath the ship as Woody got into it. As the seconds ticked away, you became anxious and wondered what was taking so long. Your worries were interrupted when you heard a familiar voice, "Hey, bozo, you got a brain in there?" Of course, it just had to be Sid!

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