The Dark Corridor

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When you and your friends arrived at the outdoors Babies and Toddlers, there was indeed a small passageway. It was very high above everything else, a tiny window in a play structure that led into a completely different room. Right alongside your friends, you opened your parasol and floated up to the top while the others ran right up the wall with the help of Sora's magic.

Climbing through the window, you stared in awe at the giant Kid Korral. The colors so vibrant they practically popped off the walls; the room so wide that imagination could flow freely. This was definitely a child's treasured space. There was even a giant ball pit!

"These blocks were what was blocking the entrance?" Sora asked, motioning to the giant green blocks that were neatly stacked right up against the door. A little too neatly.

"How do we move them?" You asked. "Opening the door might save us later."

Woody nodded at your point. "(Y/N)'s right. Think you could use the Gigas to move them?"

"I'll try." The boy replied, looking at the broken down Gigas robot near the blocks. He climbed in as the toy turned on, and Sora was able to use the controls well enough to maneuver the toy. As if by magic, the toy carefully lifted the blocks and moved them out of the way.

With the blocks out of the way and the main entrance finally open as a precaution, everyone explored further into the room. As you were all carefully observing the room, you eventually found what you were looking for. Seeing through a vent, at the highest point of the room, was a pulsing wave of shadows and darkness. "Guys! Up there!"

You pointed, knowing that the dark corridor was just behind the vent gate. "How do we get up there!" Donald shrieked.

"Maybe we can move some more blocks!" Goofy suggested. "If we find enough, we could probably stack them really high."

"Great idea, Goofy." The Sheriff smiled. "Let's get searching!"

As everyone split up to look for more blocks in different areas of the Kid Korral, both you and Sora stayed put. You knew just as well as he why this oncoming talk needed to happen right then and there. It was dire, it didn't afford to be held off. Not when you were so lose to the end game.

"(Y/N), think it's a good time to talk?" Sora asked you. "It won't take long, I don't think."

You nodded at him. "Yes, this needs to happen right now. It can't wait."

"So you know what I'm going to ask, then?"

"Why I froze up when we were fighting that marionette?" You forced a smile at him. When he nodded, you went on to explain. "Well.... I heard voices. Um, just one voice, actually."

"A voice?" Sora asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"It was the Xehanort's." You frowned, awkwardly rubbing your arm. "He was talking to me about my heart. He said it was more interesting than he thought. It's like he could see right through me, knew everything about me. He saw my heart for its true fragile and broken nature."

Sora growled. "You can't let him in your head, (Y/N)!" His warning was full of alarm.

"I didn't think that would happen!" You defended yourself. "But he also told me that light was still shining in me. He was messing with me, asking how long that light would last and telling me I should hope that Woody is still there for me.... Unless...."

"Unless?" Sora asked, stepping closer to you.

You hesitated for a moment, trying to keep your composure. "Unless his heart isn't already broken from all the loss he holds."

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