Chapter 1

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The last thing Lisa wanted was to get dragged out of her bed at 6 am to go to a place she certainly didn't feel accepted for being who she was. Her mother and stepfather haven't even bothered mentioning going to church, that is until she came out of the closet.

Of course Lisa didn't regret it. She had spent her whole life, roughly 21 years to be exact, hiding who she was because she didn't even know being gay was a possibility. She grew up under the impression that she was to end up with a man and pop out a few kids, and she never understood why kissing boys under the bleachers of her old high school basketball court just didn't give her the fireworks and butterflies all of her friends talked about. She was just slightly irritated that her parents insisted on going to church a week after she announced her sexuality over the dinner table, but of course "it had nothing to do with each other."

Lisa sighed as she pulled her sheets off of her, rubbing her eyes and slowly making her way towards her bathroom. Maybe slightly irritated was an understatement.

When Lisa heard a knock on her bathroom door, she had to curb the urge to take the comb she was running through her long blonde hair and throw it.

"Lalisa? Are you okay?" Came a muffled voice. She breathed a sigh of relief, opening the door quickly.

"Seulgi-ah..." She sighed, taking her best friend in a hug. Seulgi gave her a tight squeeze, rubbing her back gently. She didn't expect her to be here at such early hours of the morning. Hell, the sun hadn't even risen yet, but she appreciated it more than anything. "I'm okay, just a little angry." She pulled back and Seulgi scrunched her nose.

"Your breath stinks."

That earned a push from Lisa, who dramatically grabbed her toothbrush and made a show of putting toothpaste on the end of it.

"I hope you're fully aware you're an asshole." Lisa mumbled through her foam filled mouth, looking back at the mirror to focus on brushing her teeth.

Seulgi laughed and Lisa smiled at the sound, shaking her head softly.

Seulgi and Lisa had been friends since they were toddlers, after Lisa's parents moved them to South Korea from Thailand. Lisa's mother set them up on playdates, feeling relaxed because Seulgi's parents were probably the nicest people on Earth and it was easy for her not to worry too much about her daughter's whereabouts when she was right next door. Seulgi and Lisa knew each other like the back of their hands, to the point where Seulgi told Lisa that Lisa was gay before Lisa told Seulgi. Seulgi was fairly popular in high school, her grades never falling below an A and her skills in dance attracting both boys and girls from all directions. Lisa may have been a bit jealous, but that never stopped Seulgi from protecting her against her fellow classmates that bothered Lisa for being a foreigner (and the gay rumors that floated around even though Lisa really tried her best to like Jeon Jungkook that one time).

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you today?" Seulgi asked once Lisa put her toothbrush away, making her way back in her bedroom to search through her closet for something "church appropriate," as her mother said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. My parents already think we're dating now anyway. Probably wouldn't be the brightest idea to take my "girlfriend" to my first Sunday at church." Lisa grabbed a pair of mom jeans, a yellow shirt, and a belt.

Seulgi made an audible gagging noise, which caused Lisa to smack her with the end of her belt.

"Yah, Lisa! What? You don't think it's gross that your parents think we're a thing?"

"It's pretty disgusting, actually." Lisa pulled off her pajamas and changed into her clothes, tucking her shirt in and securing her pants around her waist with her belt. She reached down and picked up her yellow checkered vans, slipping them on her feet.

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