Chapter 4

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Once Lisa and Jisoo parted, Lisa hesitantly made her way towards Rosé, who was the only one alone in the room, Jisoo now making simple conversation with Joy and Seulgi.

"What are you playing?" She asked quietly, hoping to not disturb her. She seemed so focused and serene, as if her and the guitar were the only ones in the room.

Rosé's strumming paused again and she looked up, her lips forming a small pout.

"I'm supposed to be playing an acoustic guitar version of this one song by EDEN, but it's not going very well." She laughed quietly and Lisa sat down on the couch next to her, giving her enough space so that the neck of the guitar wouldn't hit her. "It's easy for the first half of the song, but then it's not."

"Ah, you like EDEN? I love his music!" Lisa turned her body towards Rosé and pulled her legs up so they were folded underneath her. Rosé did the same, appearing excited that someone had a mutual love for an artist she clearly adored.

"Really? I honestly haven't met many people who have even heard of him. Jisoo listens to him, but pretty much because I forced her to at one point. I think she passed it on to Irene, though." Rosé hugged the guitar close to her chest, her chin resting on the material, and looked at Lisa.

It made Lisa a little nervous.

"What song were you trying to play? Maybe I can help." Lisa's gaze flickered from the guitar to Rosé, whose cheeks were a bit plumper than usual due to her position.

"It's called 'love; not wrong.' Have you heard of it?"

Lisa's eyebrows raised slightly, half surprised and half excited. Of course she had heard of it. It was one of her favorite songs.

"That's my favorite song off of that album!" Lisa smiled widely and Rosé squealed, clapping her hands together.

"Okay, so you know that part that kind of sounds like an electric guitar? I'm trying to duplicate it on my own with this guitar."

"Ah." Lisa said quietly as Rosé moved her guitar so she was holding it like normal again.

Lisa opened her mouth to speak again but was quickly interrupted by Jisoo, who had separated from Joy and Seulgi and took the opportunity to tease Rosé.

"This is a party, Rosie. You can refrain from stealing my guitar for once." She grabbed the arm of the guitar and pulled it away from the other girl, who let out a huff of annoyance.

"You're irritating, you know that right?" Jisoo laughed in response and pushed Rosé playfully, walking upstairs to get rid of the guitar.

"How long have you known Jisoo?" Lisa asked, tilting her head to the side curiously.

"When I was about 14, my parents and I moved here from Australia and Jisoo was the first person I met. She was the president of her class and I was two years below her so she was super intimidating but she made me belong almost instantly..." Rosé paused, a soft smile on her lips. "My Korean was a bit broken, since I only spoke it at home back in Australia, but that never stopped her from talking to me and helping me speak it. Then, she invited me to her church and my parents were really happy I had found a friend so quickly, so they came with me and we've never missed a service since. I'm 21 now, so it's been a long time."

Lisa nodded as she spoke, smiling at Jisoo's kindness. She was happy to know she had always been that way. She had always had a kind and accepting heart.

Although she didn't want to admit it quite yet, choosing whether or not to join the church choir was becoming easier and easier.

"Can I tell you something?" Lisa asked and Rosé's eyebrows furrowed together slightly, nodding softly. "I think I'm gonna join the choir. I don't go to church often..." She pressed her lips together. "Or at all, really. But everyone is so nice, especially Jisoo, and what you just told me confirmed that she can make anyone feel safe in an uncomfortable and new situation, and I'd really like to be around people like that."

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