Chapter 11

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Lisa was so nervous.

It was finally time for her first performance in the church choir, and although multiple Sundays had passed since she had been accepted, Jisoo excused her from performing so she could learn the music properly, and not just be there to be there.

Dahyun made a point to tell her that she was going to be there to support her, and Lisa thought that was sweet.

She knew Rosé had a solo, but she hadn't heard it. She learned that Rosé had a thing about practicing her solos in private where she could do her best work.

Her parents were also gonna be there, which was nice, she guessed.

Walking through the large church doors, Lisa took a deep breath.

She met Jisoo's eyes immediately, and the other girl rushed towards her.

"Lisa! How are you feeling? Are you nervous? Excited?" Jisoo spoke quickly, placing a hand on Lisa's upper arm.

"A bit nervous, to be honest, but it should be fine, right?" Lisa played with her fingers and Jisoo gave her a gentle squeeze.

"It should be great." Jisoo nodded to reassure her, walking away afterwards to set everything up.

Lisa simply stood, waiting for instruction by Jisoo.

Her eyes wandered and she was a bit disappointed to see that Rosé was nowhere to be found. She knew she'd be here eventually, but it would have been nice to hear her wish her good luck.

Coincidentally, Rosé came through a small set of doors, her eyes on the floor.

She waited for her to look up so she should greet her, but she never did.

"Oh, Rosé's got secrets, huh?" She turned to her left at the familiar voice and saw Dahyun.

"What?" Lisa asked, looking at her, confused.

"Ah, I forget you haven't really had any experience with the Catholic church. Have you ever seen the booth looking thing in movies in a church where they confess to their sins? The whole 'Bless me Father, for I have sinned' thing?" Dahyun looked at her to see if she was paying attention and Lisa nodded. "There's one through those doors. She went to a confession."

Lisa's mouth made an 'O' shape as she put together what Dahyun said.

"You ever had to do it?" Lisa teased, bumping shoulders with Dahyun as she began to walk towards the stage, Jisoo calling for everyone to come up for a 15 minute rehearsal before mass.

"Duh." Dahyun winked and let her go, choosing a seat close to the front, right in front of the choir.

Lisa found her spot on the stage, which was in the alto section, further to the sopranos because she was in the higher range of altos.

Rosé stood next to Lisa, the sopranos on one side of them and the tenors on the other, the basses even further away.

"Hey, how are you?" Lisa leaned over to Rosé and whispered and the other girl jumped slightly.

"Shoot, sorry. I'm good." Rosé laughed quietly, trying her hardest not to disrupt anyone as they were getting ready.

"Dahyun saw you walk out of confessionals and explained to me what it was. You got secrets, huh?" Lisa teased and expected Rosé to laugh, but the small smile on her face faded.

"Dahyun shouldn't be talking about me." She responded and Lisa furrowed her eyebrows together.

"Hey, I was with her. She could tell I was looking at you and wondering where you were." Lisa watched Rosé, looking for her classic puppy face, but Rosé continued to look forward, her plump lips almost pressed into a line.

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