Chapter 14 (Epilogue/Bonus)

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Lisa's heart felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She had her share of awkward and nerve-racking interactions with her parents, but standing outside of her house, which she very well might be kicked out of in the next hour, ready to come out with her relationship had to be the highest on the list yet.

"Are you sure?" Rosé asked, carefully grasping Lisa's hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

Lisa nodded hesitantly.

She didn't know if she was sure. She might never be sure, but the time had to come and as her and Rosé's relationship was getting more serious, it was a necessity.

Lisa knocked twice on the door but rolled her eyes and let herself in. It was her house.

"Lalisa?" Her mother called from the kitchen and Lisa swallowed, the smell of freshly cooked Thai food overwhelming her senses.

For a moment, she felt bad. There was no doubt she was about to ruin dinner, and not just any dinner, but one that paid attention to her homage.

Maybe Thailand would be her beginning and her end with her family. Maybe it was symbolic.

Lisa dropped Rosé's hand and walked with her to the kitchen, where her mother was pouring orange juice and her step-father was stirring a pot.

"Oh, Lalisa! Have you come here to introduce us to your friend? Please, join us for dinner!" Her mother put down the gallon of juice in her hand and before Lisa could politely refuse, Rosé nodded and gave a polite bow.

"I'd love to."

Lisa didn't miss the way her mother eyed the cross necklace adorning Rosé's neck.

Lisa also didn't miss how her step-father barely said a word, the only things escaping his lips being his own introduction.

She had the nagging feeling he knew what was going on, so while dinner went on, the only people talking across the table being her mother and Rosé.

Lisa and her step-father shared weird glances and it appeared that he was trying to tell her, 'No, no, no.'

Apart from his silent wishes, Lisa placed a hand on Rosé's thigh beneath the table, to which Rosé responded to putting her own hand on top of hers.

Rosé looked at her as to ask if she was ready.

Lisa responded by clearing her throat.

"I have something to tell you guys." She began, eyeing her parents carefully.

"Lalisa." Her step-father warned her, but she chose not to look at him and to focus on her mother instead.

"What?" Her mother looked at her curiously. "Are you pregnant?"

Lisa scoffed.

Classic. And unbelievable.

"No, Jesus..." Lisa muttered, pinching her nose with her free hand.

She felt a soft squeeze come from Rosé and she regained her composure.

"You sending me to that church..." Lisa began. "It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Not for the reasons you expect, I'm sure."

"She's been doing very well, by the way. She's very active in it." Rosé interjected, causing her mother to smile at her.

"But, I'm still not who you want me to be. I'm not saved in the way you want me to be." Lisa continued and shifted uncomfortably. "Rosé and I... We're... Well, she's my girlfriend."


A whole lot of silence followed after that.

Lisa expected it. She even expected to be thrown out as soon as the truth was revealed.

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