Chapter 13

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Lisa was losing her absolute shit.

There was no way any of this could have actually been happening.

Rosé wasn't kissing her right now. It wasn't possible.

Yet, when Rosé grasped Lisa's hair between her nimble fingers to pull her closer, her mind and her heart allowed her to believe it for a moment.

Lisa pulled away to look at her, their foreheads touching and their cheeks hot, and laughed nervously.

"Shit, Rosé.." She breathed.

She slowly placed a few of her fingers on her own arm to give herself a small pinch.

Just a precaution, that's all.


"Huh?" Lisa looked at her, slightly confused.

"I don't let people call me Chaeyoung unless I know them well enough." Rosé tucked a piece of Lisa's hair behind her ear. "So, call me Chaeyoung."

"Thank you." Lisa cringed at how soft her tone came across.

"For what?"

"I don't know.. I've just never met anyone like you. I haven't been so excited to go places and see someone there in a very long time. Jisoo and Seulgi teased me everyday, warned me, even. But, I just couldn't believe them." Lisa laughed sheepishly and Rosé cupped her cheeks, pulling her face forward and giving her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Lisa, I'm sorry you felt that way." Rosé sighed. "I'm sorry if I'm moving fast, but I want this, you know? It's a lot for me, so I know it must be a lot for you."

"My parents.. I have no idea how I'm gonna tell them." Lisa groaned and leaned back against the cushions of Rosé's couch.

"Imagine their surprise when they find out that instead of being reborn through Jesus into a straight girl you fell for me." Rosé laughed and did the same, her and Lisa's shoulders leaned against each other.

Lisa snorted and shook her head.

"I think they'll actually shit themselves, if we're being honest."

Rosé scooted down and leaned her head against Lisa's shoulder.

"I can be there with you." Rosé cleared her throat. "If that's something you want."

Lisa looked over at her.

"Whenever I tell them, you'll be there."

It was silent for a moment and they took the time to look at each other, to really look at each other.

Lisa didn't know what Rosé was thinking, but what was running through her mind was clearer than anything she had ever thought in years.

She loved  Rosé.

She wasn't going to tell her now, of course. They were just beginning to figure this out and there was no way in hell she was going to scare Rosé off by word-vomiting everywhere. Rosé was on a roll, anyway, with confessing feelings and whatnot.

Instead, Lisa settled on leaning in and kissing her, hoping that she could convey what she wanted to say through the movement of her lips.

She imagined that Rosé was telling her the same thing.

It was subtle—their relationship.

Well, they weren't really in a relationship. Not yet, at least.

Taking it painfully slow was the easiest thing for the both of them. Rosé jumping from openly talking about dating boys all of the time to falling for Lisa was a big move. Lisa's 'unrequited' pining was over and she really didn't feel like hearing "I told you so," from everyone and their mothers. Hearing it from Seulgi was enough.

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