Chapter 7

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Lisa woke up to her phone obnoxiously buzzing in her ear and she was about to scream.

She lazily clicked the green button and held the phone up to her ear.

"Lalisa Manoban!" Jisoo's voice shouted through the phone. Lisa winced and ran her tongue over her slightly chapped lips.

"Mhm?" She sat up, running a hand through her hair.

"Wanna come over? Bring Seulgi if you want. Joy is here and I know they're like... Flirting, or whatever." Lisa laughed quietly and pulled her phone back to check the time.

"Oh, shit. It's late." She stood up from her bed and made her way to her window, pulling open the blinds to see if Seulgi was in her room. "Um, as soon as I find her, I'll let you know, but she'll most likely come. Is it just you and Joy there?"

"Rosé and Jennie are here too. They came over because of the plans we had with you today and Joy showed up so we're just kind of making it a group thing. I don't think anyone else is coming, though."

Lisa noticed Seulgi walking through her room and began trying to get her attention, waving her free arm back and forth, until she looked up.

"What?" Seulgi mouthed and Lisa opened her window, waiting for the other girl to do the same.

Once she did, she held her hand over her microphone to refrain from yelling in Jisoo's ear.

"Wanna come to Jisoo's with me?"

"I'm tired, maybe n-"

"Joy is there."

"I'm waiting on you. Hurry up and get dressed."

Lisa snorted and pulled her hand away from her microphone.

"Sorry, Jisoo. We'll be there in a little bit." Lisa paused for a moment and cleared her throat. "Have you talked to Rosé?"

It was quiet for a moment before Lisa heard shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"No, not about that. I'm just gonna take your advice and let that just be. If she's hiding something like that, she'll tell me eventually." Jisoo spoke in a hushed voice. Lisa assumed Rosé was close by. "I'll just stop trying to set her up with guys."

Lisa laughed and shook her head.

"What? No more Chanyeols?"

Jisoo laughed in response.

"No more Chanyeols."

"I'm gonna go get ready now. I'm glad you're feeling better about this. You sounded stressed yesterday."

Lisa heard Jisoo hum quietly before a door opened.

"Why are you locked in the bathroom on the phone?" Lisa overheard a familiar voice, followed by a soft giggle.

"Because I'm having an affair and I didn't want you or Jennie finding out." Jisoo deadpanned and Lisa cringed.

"Oh, shut up. Who is it?" Lisa assumed Rosé grabbed the phone from the noise she heard and raised her eyebrows curiously. "Oh! It's Lisa! Hi, Lalisa."

"Hi, Rosé." Lisa smiled and began rummaging through her closet for an outfit.

"Are you coming over? You better be." Lisa grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans and threw them in the direction of her bed.

"I sure am. I'm bringing Seulgi for Joy's sake." She wandered into her bathroom next, placing her phone on the counter and putting it on speaker so she could wash her face more easily.

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