Chapter 8

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Soon enough, the movie ended, and Lisa quickly realized that Joy and Seulgi had fallen asleep on the couch. Seulgi's head was back and her mouth was wide open, and if the room wasn't so dark, she'd probably be able to see a bit of drool.

She would have gotten up and bothered her, but Rosé had fallen asleep as well during the last twenty minutes of the movie and somehow, her head found its way onto Lisa's shoulder.

"Lisa? Are you awake?" She heard Jisoo's voice and responded with a quiet 'Mhm.'

"It's only like, 1 p.m.. I don't have it in me to sleep in the middle of the day." Lisa took a strand of Rosé's hair and wrapped it around her finger gently, trying her hardest not to wake her up.

"I think she likes you." Jisoo trailed off and Jennie sat up and placed a hand on her knee.

"Jisoo," Jennie's tone was a bit pointed. "Now's not the time. She's literally in the room."

"No, seriously. She's asleep. She can't take a nap shorter than an hour."

Lisa pulled her finger away from Rosé's hair.

"Did you see the way she reacted to Dahyun? I'm not the only one. I can't be." Jisoo continued and Lisa's hands fell to her lap.

She remained silent, mirroring how she acted in the car with Seulgi.


"I didn't see it." Lisa shrugged, looking down at the girl beside her, whose chest was rising and falling slowly.


Jennie stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Well, I mean..." She bit her bottom lip. "Yeah."

"She's not wrong." A groggy voice butted in and Lisa turned to see Seulgi stretching her arms over her head.

"Kang Seulgi, go back to sleep." Lisa retaliated.

"I told you!" Jisoo's voice raised slightly and Lisa placed a f

inger over her lips, motioning her to be quieter.

"Lisa won't talk to me about it but I'm sure she knows, too."

"Seulgi." Lisa hissed, attempting not to speak too loud but really, really, wishing Seulgi would be quiet.

"What, Lalisa? I'm not lying. I know you trust Jisoo and have spoken about this to her as much as you have me, so just be honest. And try not to freak out."

"I've told you both what I know about it already. It's not our business, and she's literally right here." Lisa looked between the both of them, a pleading expression on her face.

Jisoo nodded and Seulgi chewed on the side of her cheek, both silently agreeing to save it for another day, and Lisa fell back on the chair, relieved.

She must have done it too dramatically, because Rosé's eyes opened slowly.

"Shoot, did I fall asleep?" She lifted her head off of Lisa's shoulder and placed a hand there instead. "Sorry for using you as my personal pillow."

"It's fine. You haven't been asleep for long." Lisa smiled.

She noticed that sleepy Rosé's lips and eyes were a bit more swelled than they were when she was awake. It made her look younger alongside her already plump cheeks.

"Okay, good." She nestled her head back in Lisa's shoulder and Lisa made the mistake of looking up at Jisoo, who made a gesture from Lisa to Rosé, causing Seulgi to snort loudly.

"What?" Rosé spoke, but kept her eyes closed, as she was still sleepy.

"Nothing. Joy just sleeps funny."

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