Chapter 3

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The next morning, Lisa was terrified.

Somehow, she had let the fact she was going to be around more than enough church goers, including the family who ran it, while she was excruciatingly homosexual, slip her mind.

It really began to settle in when Jisoo fulfilled her promise of texting Lisa her address, reminding her to be there at 7:30.

"It's gonna be fine, Lisa. You know the younger generation is much better with acceptance. Who said you had to say anything about your sexuality, anyway? I don't plan on announcing mine to anyone." Seulgi's voice echoed from the bathroom. Mid-panic, Lisa decided to run over to Seulgi's house while Seulgi was conveniently in the shower.

"What if they start talking about gay people? Or anyone from the LGBT community? Are we just supposed to sit there? In the closet?" Lisa sat on the edge of Seulgi's bed, deciding to give her legs a rest from all the pacing she had been doing.

"Of course not, Lisa. But I really doubt that will happen. You told me Jisoo told you they were all cool." Seulgi shut the shower off and Lisa heard a quiet shuffle for towels. Seulgi opened the bathroom door, one towel wrapped around her body and the other wrapped around her wet hair.

As she was shuffling through her drawers for decent clothing, Lisa groaned dramatically, throwing herself back against the bed.

"Okay, but what if-"

"Shut up."

Lisa grabbed one of Seulgi's pillows and threw it in her general direction, Seulgi squealing in response.

"You really wanna knock this towel off of me?" Seulgi asked, picking the pillow off the ground and tossing it back on the bed.

"No, I really don't." Lisa sighed and sat up. "I'm just nervous, Seul."

Seulgi walked over to her bed and sat beside Lisa, giving her knee a light squeeze.

"Do you remember when we were 10 and we snuck outside my room way past our bedtime to lay on the grass in the backyard? It was almost 2 am, and my parents didn't want us out that late because they didn't want the neighbors to hear us screaming and file a complaint? Then my mom came outside because she heard us laughing and you would've gotten in trouble if I hadn't told her I told you I'd make you walk back home if you didn't come with me?" Seulgi smiled as she spoke and Lisa nodded slowly. "I told you when we got back to my room and my mom took my coloring pencils away that I'd always have your back. This isn't as simple as laying down outside, but that doesn't change the fact I'm still gonna be there."

Lisa placed her hand over Seulgi's and let out a long breath.

"Thank you." Lisa didn't need to say anything else, Seulgi standing and going back to rummaging through her drawers for proper clothes.

Lisa let herself think about tonight while Seulgi got dressed. Seulgi helped her relax, but nerves still bubbled in her stomach whenever she thought about meeting everyone. If any of them had a half decent gaydar, she was royally screwed. She was sure she didn't belong in a church, or at least she thought she was, but maybe she belonged in a choir. Maybe she belonged in a place where music was made with no strings attached. Maybe she belonged in that mix of altos, sopranos, basses, and tenors. Then again, maybe she didn't.

"Jisoo has been nothing but friendly towards you. What makes you think that'll stop the moment you step into her house?" Lisa looked up at Seulgi, who was pulling a yellow tank top over her head.

"You're right."

"I know. Plus, that Joy girl seemed really nice too. Her and Jisoo are funny together. Usually homophobes are uptight and boring. And old." Seulgi walked back in her bathroom to get a comb and began getting the tangles out of her wet hair.

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