Chapter 12

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"Sorry, but what?" Lisa's mouth was left wide open and she blinked slowly.

What the fuck?

"Um.." Rosé shifted nervously. "Was that too much?"

Lisa stood there for a few seconds, her jaw still practically to the floor, as she tried to process what just came out of Rosé's mouth. She tried her hardest to speak again, but she just couldn't.

Her brain was having a difficult time processing what Rosé had just told her. She couldn't figure out whether or not she had just imagined it or it had really happened, and truthfully, the idea that she had imagined it was much more realistic.

"Shit, oh my God.. I wasn't even sure if you felt the same way or if Dahyun was bluffing.." Rosé's face reflected panic and Lisa's face softened. "But clearly she was bluffing and.."

"Rosé.." Lisa spoke quietly but Rosé continued on, ranting about how stupid she was to confess when she had no idea how Lisa would react.

"What the hell am I gonna do? How am I going to-"

"Rosé." Lisa said a little firmer and Rosé ceased her rant, looking straight at the other girl while she waited for her to speak.

Lisa took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

How she was nervous when Rosé confessed first, she had no idea.

"Of course I feel the same way." She began and Rosé visibly relaxed. "I just... I don't know. I can't understand it."

Rosé's eyebrows furrowed together.

"Understand what?" She stepped towards Lisa hesitantly.

"You liking me, I guess. When Jisoo or Seulgi would tell me you did and there was no way you didn't, it's like I would laugh in their face. Someone like you liking me is crazy. You're so beautiful, Rosie. Every single part of you is beautiful. When I first saw you, I was just... Shocked. So, you have to have some understanding why I'm surprised, don't you?" Lisa watched Rosé as she moved towards her and swallowed quietly, slightly intimidated, considering Rosé was wearing heels and Lisa was wearing flats.

"I don't." Rosé's eyes locked with Lisa's and she reached out to her, hooking one of her fingers with hers.

Lisa's stomach flipped at the contact.

"Lisa.. You are everything someone could ask for. How are you not able to see that? Why do you insist on minimizing how wonderful you are?" Rosé grabbed Lisa's hand completely and her breath hitched in the back of her throat.

Lisa had held Rosé's hand before, of course, but this felt much different. She looked at their intertwined fingers before looking back at the girl in front of her.

She used her free hand to pinch her own hip, knowing damn well this had to be some sort of dream.

"I, um.." Lisa unconsciously dropped her gaze to Rosé's lips, the other girl pulling the bottom one between her teeth in response. "I forgot what, um.. I forgot what to say."

Rosé laughed quietly and shook her head.

"Do you have to say anything?" Rosé responded, releasing her bottom lip before she spoke and running her tongue over it gently.

For the millionth time in the past few minutes, Lisa's heart skipped a beat.

It was like with every passing second, they got closer and it got harder for her to breathe.

They were so close and if Lisa's body wasn't buzzing, she swore she could've felt their lips brush, but the swift knock on the door separated them quickly.

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