Chapter 10

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Waking up next to Rosé was something Lisa never thought could happen. Yet, here she was, more than comfortable, as she felt Rosé's chest rise and fall against her back.

They had stayed in the same position all night, much to Lisa's surprise, because she was usually restless.

She didn't want to wake her, so she gently reached over for her phone to check if she had gotten any messages.

Snapchat (3):

Snapchat from k1mjisoo!

Snapchat from kangseulgi!

Snapchat from dahyunkm!

She gently face-palmed and sighed, trying to keep her movement minimal, because Rosé was clearly comfortable.

And, well, so was she.

Lisa clicked on Seulgi's first.


are you at rosé's????

you're so stupid hahahahahahaha

Lisa almost scoffed, but quickly remembered where she was.

She took a quick picture of her shoulder, which Rosé was nuzzled into.

Snapchat to kangseulgi!

[Image attached] sry i'm stupid, i literally cannot escape her

She didn't think Dahyun suspected that she had feelings for Rosé, so she decided to open hers next.

hi, love. sorry i hung up so quickly

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief and quickly typed a reply, leaving the picture responses for Seulgi, assuming that sending a picture of Rosé cuddled up to her to Dahyun wouldn't be the smartest idea.

Snapchat to dahyunkm!

you're fine :) i'm sure you were tired

Jisoo's message, however, she wasn't necessarily looking forward to, but tomorrow was a quick rehearsal before church and if she hadn't talked to her about it now, she knew Jisoo would want to in person. As Lisa has proved time and time again, talking about her feelings in person was not her strong suit.

i'm concerned about you, lisa. i know i'm probably coming off as an asshole, but i'm worried. i know how easy it is to like chaeyoung. i've seen many people do it, even girls like you. she flirts without knowing it and clings onto people like she would do if she was dating them. i'm her best friend and along with everyone else, of course i'm questioning if she has feelings for you or not. i'm sure you are too. dahyun didn't want me saying anything, but she even asked me if rosé felt for you. it's confusing for all of us, but i can't even imagine what it's like for her if she's feeling that way. i care about her. please be careful. i'd request the same thing from her if i even had a clue about how she'd respond

Lisa chewed the side of her cheek.

She really didn't know how to respond, so she didn't.

She carefully slipped out of Rosé's hold and made her way to the bathroom, pulling the over-sized shirt down on the way.

Closing the door quietly behind her, she began to run warm water. She grabbed a handful and splashed it on her face, hoping to both wake herself up and clean her pores. She used the towel from her shower yesterday to dry her face and walked back in Rosé's bedroom.

When she did so, she was met with Rosé's eyes.

"Good morning." Rosé greeted her and stretched her arms above her head, yawning slightly.

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