Chapter 5

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Lisa wasn't surprised when she received a FaceTime call from Jisoo 10 minutes later.

If she was being honest, she really couldn't understand what the hell Jisoo was saying between her talking so fast and the chatter from everyone in the church.

"Jisoo. Jisoo. Slow down." Lisa laughed quietly, pulling her phone back so Seulgi could get in the frame.

"Lisa! Are you serious? You're not messing with me, are you? You're really gonna join? Please tell me you aren't joking with me." Jisoo had gotten in her car by now, her phone propped up against her dashboard.

"I'm serious." Lisa offered a soft smile once she heard Jisoo squeal.

"Holy shit. Oh my God. Hi, Seulgi. Oh my God. I didn't think you were gonna join!" Jisoo seemed to shuffle around quickly, opening every compartment in her car for some kind of information about the choir, Lisa assumed. "Okay, so. We have hour and a half long rehearsals on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. If you're lost on the music, you can definitely text anyone or come over to get help. Usually, after a week of rehearsals, we have it down so we spend the rehearsal time just hanging out. Wow, okay. I'll give you the schedule when I see you tomorrow. I'm gonna go meet up with Rosie and Jennie and tell them the good news. Bye, Lisa. Thank you so much."

Lisa didn't even have time to respond before Jisoo hung up. She blinked a few times, admittedly a little stunned.

"Well... She's excited." Seulgi snorted and stood up.

"Now I'm nervous again." Lisa groaned and buried her head in her hands.

"Shut up. You'll be fine. Do you need to go home soon?" Lisa looked up at Seulgi through the cracks of her hands and sighed.

"Yeah, probably. I've been avoiding talking to my parents about literally anything since they took me to church." Lisa stood from the table and began to clean up after herself.

"I'll wash your clothes and take them over to your house later tonight." Seulgi gave her a small side hug, rubbing her waist gently. "Text me if you need anything, yeah?"

Lisa nodded and left the kitchen, thanking Seulgi's parents for allowing her to stay over, in which they happily responded with, "Anytime, Lisa."

She walked out of the front door and practically dragged her feet next-door.

Lisa really tried her hardest to sneak through the front door quietly, even going to the lengths of taking twenty seconds to slowly shut the door.

Of course it didn't work, because her parents were in the kitchen eating a large breakfast without her.

"Lalisa?" Her step-father called out and Lisa mumbled a small curse under her breath.

"Yes, sir?" She stepped into the kitchen, uncomfortably straightening out the oversized shirt on her torso.

"How was the get together with everyone from church?" He asked, pushing his circular glasses further up his nose.

"It was okay..." She trailed off, looking literally anywhere else but the older man in front of her.

"Are you joining the choir? I really hope you told them you were. Your mother really wants you to." Lisa made short eye contact with her mother and swallowed silently.

She knew she had to tell them. If she didn't, she'd have to find an excuse for her whereabouts three days out of the week for rehearsals and on Sundays for the services she would participate in.

"Um, yeah. I told Jisoo this morning I was going to."

And that was the first time in over a week she even saw the smallest glimpse of a smile directed towards her from her parents.

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