Chapter 6

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After walking side by side for a little while longer, the four of them came across a children's park, and they decided that until they were one hundred percent sober, they would swing, slide, and climb.

Lisa immediately parted from Rosé's arm and ran to the swing, jumping on the hard rubber and beginning to kick her legs.

Jisoo and Jennie went off elsewhere. Lisa assumed they were beneath the slides and Rosé didn't want to bother them, so she settled on getting on the swing beside Lisa.

"Are you gonna talk to Jisoo's friend?" Rosé began kicking her legs back and forth slowly, Lisa looking at her confused. "The, uh, single one."

Lisa mouthed 'oh' and looked upwards, studying the constellations that were barely visible because of the city lights.

"I'm not looking for anything right now, really."

"Oh, okay. The girl she's talking about... She just got out of a relationship anyway. I don't want you to be a rebound or anything." Rosé swung a little higher and Lisa turned her head to look at her.

"Thank you for letting me know." Lisa smiled softly, admiring how Rosé's facial features seemed to look even better than usual under the moonlight.

"I didn't know you were gay." Rosé paused for a moment. "I mean, I thought you were dating Seulgi, but I didn't know, you know?"

Lisa scrunched her nose up.

"A lot of people think I'm dating Seulgi, which is beyond weird, but whatever. But, yeah, I'm gay. I, uh.." Lisa had already confided in Jisoo about the reason behind coming to the church, explaining her silence, but if she wanted to know Rosé, she assumed she had to allow Rosé to know her. "That's the reason why I came to the church in the first place. I came out to my parents and they dragged me to church."

Lisa was surprised when Rosé dug her feet in the wood chips beneath the swing and locked eyes with her.

She was even more surprised when she reached out and grasped her hand.

"I'm sorry, Lisa. That's so unfair." Lisa's heart skipped a beat when the pad of Rosé's thumb brushed against the top of her hand.

"It's okay." Lisa looked from their hands to her face and swallowed inaudibly.

Lisa decided Rosé wasn't making this easy.

"Everything okay?" Both girls heard Jisoo's voice and immediately retracted their hands, jumping slightly at the sudden interruption.

"Yeah." Rosé smiled at Jisoo.

"Jennie is super close to falling asleep and, personally, I'd rather not carry her all the way back to the restaurant, so do you guys mind if we get going?" Jisoo's gaze shifted towards her girlfriend, whose eyes admittedly looked slightly glazed over.

"I'm getting tired, too." Lisa hopped off of the swing and stretched her arms, letting out a quiet noise at the feeling of her muscles releasing the tension that had been building up all night.

The four girls walked side by side in silence, Jennie and Jisoo's arms intertwined while Lisa and Rosé kept to themselves.

It was odd getting along with people she barely knew so easily.

Lisa was normally shy, only breaking out of her shell after a minimum of a few months of knowing someone. She was her truest self around Seulgi, who wasn't even here tonight to push her along, yet she still managed to laugh her loudest. She didn't even think about her problems with her family once, aside from the short conversation with Rosé about it.

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