A secret🤫

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Evie x Doug
More couples will come soon hopefully now on with the story

Mal:Ben I'm going to my dorm.

Ben:k *kisses Mal before she leaves*


                   At Mal's dorm
Evie:Oh hey Mal

Mal:Hey Evie
Mal: So how's my dress?

Evie:oh it's going well

Mal:k I'm going to take a nap

             Evie goes to Ben's Office
Evie:Hey Ben

Ben:Oh hey
Ben:so what are you here for?
Evie:*sarcasm*To do a staring contest
I'm here because I need you to help me with Mal's dress
Ben:Ok but you have to tell me if this is a good outfit
Ben:ok so what do you need help on?
Evie:What green should I use?
Ben:Ummm...that very dark green so now tell if this outfit looks or not

Evie:ok it looks good
Ben:k I really needed that
Evie:k...wait why?
Ben:cause I'm going to ask Mal  on a date
Evie:(gets hyper but not enough for any else to hear)
Ben:k calm down first and second don't tell Mal k?
  They stare at the green .Then Evie lifts her head up when Ben notices that Evies eyes are changing from green to orange*in this story Evie besides Mal (since she knows she has powers)finds out her powers*
Ben:your eyes are changing from green to orange
Evie and Ben continue to talk about it but Ben notices that they aren't changing
Ben:they still have the different colors look
Ben shows Evie
Evie:what is happening? I never had this happening.
Ben:I don't know
        Ben looks at Evie and lifts her chin and out of no where he kisses her

        She is shocked at what is happening so she pulls away.

Evie:What just happened?
Ben:I'm so sorry
Evie:I have to tell Mal and Doug
Ben:no because if she finds  out and will kill us
Evie:I tell Mal everything and Doug is my Boyfriend
Ben:well not about this
  Evie goes back to her dorm Mal wakes up as Evie opens the door

Mal:So you just need a little to my dress?
Evie:uhhh yea duh

Authors note:
Hey guys sorry if it's short and sorry if it has some mistakes but hopefully you like it.It's my first book.😁
P.s idk any other situation for Ben to yea cause I'm dumb and I'm really happy that I have like 9 views
Yay some people read it.

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