Moving on

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Narrator pov
Doug went on a walk early morning to avoid seeing Sofia.Sofia walked to his roo while screaming IS HE GONE?
She reaches his room Dang it.
Doug was walking down when  he saw a girl she was pretty like Sofia. He went up to her they started talking then she told him if he wanted to be her boyfriend.He said yes.
They were going back to where he was staying at.He walked in and Everybody was there besides Sofia and Jane everyone gasped at what they were seeing.

Mal:You dumped my best friend?
Doug:yea plus she was flirting with her Best friend

Then Sofia came out with Thomas and Jane

Sofia:Thank you For helping us out
Jane:oh it's really nothing it's the Best I could do when your homeschooling teacher couldn't make it
Thomas:Thank you Jane
Jane:No problem

Thomas and Jane noticed what was happening so they tried to distract Sofia

Thomas:Wow look at this award it's Made out of glass
Sofia:Umm yea
Jane:don't look back
Thomas:because there is someone trying to sneak up on you
Sofia:Welp I don't care Ima-Oh....well at least he's happy.*a tear falls*

Everyone besides Doug and his gf noticed that she was sad and her eyes were blue and went up to her

Ben:Look don't pay attention to them
Mal:You're so much better
Chad:he goes near you and he will get this fist
Everyone besides Doug and his gf:because we are with you

They all do a group hug

Sofia:Thank you guys I am better than him

They all laugh

Sofia:Plus if he wants to play that game he has something coming *kisses  Thomas*
Thomas:*Shocked but enjoying it*
Sofia:I just got a new boyfriend
Everyone besides the new couple:aww
Sofia:Hey we should all go eat later to another fancy restaurant*whispers to them"lets invite Doug to see how jealous he gets*
Mal:sure I'll ask him

Mal asks him he says sure

                    Later that day

Sofia:so ima wear this

And my hair like this

So Doug could see what he missed and What he will never get back

                At the restaurant
Sofia:*kisses Thomas*
Doug:You see that is the exact same reason I broke up with you
Sofia:first of all I was trying to prove your point second He's better then you so stop it

                            Food comes
Sofia:Babe I'm going to the restroom see you
Sofia:*comes back**eats her food*
Jane:I don't ever want to leave L.A.
But I'm going to have to do it.
Bal:me neither
Sofia:If only I could go but I can't
Lonnie:wait but the surprise
Bal:oh yea
Sofia:What surprise
Janlos:we planned you a trip to go over there for a month
Sofia:wait why tho?and Thanks
Jay:because of your amazing performance
Doug:We aren't doing it
Doug:because she moved on to fast from me so now the plane ticket is going to my girlfriend
Sofia:me?yea right your the one that dumped me and bought a new relationship in the house.At least Thomas treats me better
Mal:Plus you can't do that?
Ben:Cause sorry Emily(Doug's Gf)1. It's originally for Sofia 2.I co-
Sofia:it's ok Ben just let her have I'll stay here with my  NICE boyfriend.
Emily:You're just jealous that I'm in a relationship with your ex.
Sofia:Sorry excuse me?You know what I'm happy for you two there
Now I'm leaving.

Leaves and Thomas follows

Sofia:I'm going to teleport us to my house.*teleports*ugh I hate Emily.
Thomas:yea she's one of those girls that thinks she owns everything

                    At the restaurant
Doug:Don't worry babe I'll show you around Auradon.
Emily:k thank you
Doug: no problem
                    At the house
Thomas:So what do you want to do?
Sofia:um watch a movie?
Thomas:K which one?
Sofia:How about "Adventures in Baby-"
Mal:Hey you never invited us
Sofia:I just had left sorry
Ben:it's fine
                       They watched the movie and all fell asleep on the couch.
                        In the morning
Ben:Good morning
Thomas:Goodmorning people

They all had a good day.They all had a fun day.

*1 month later*

Sofia:I'm done packing
How about you babe?
Thomas:I'm done.
Sofia:k lets go*teleports them both to Auardon*
Thomas:WOW this is huge
So lets go to surprise them

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