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Evie/Sofia pov
I don't even know what they thought.Did they think just because I remember nothing I won't know what they are doing.I'm not ready to go back.
          With everyone else
Mal:wow she gets mad easily
I just hope she still isn't mad when we go get her but she remembers the lyrics.
Mal:let's go get her
               With Evie
Evie:*humming a song while drawing*
Mal:Evie Evie Evie
Evie:*pretends to not hear*
Mal:Ik you can hear me tell us why you're mad?
Evie:Well maybe if you respected my privacy and you guys didn't think I was dumb maybe I wouldn't be mad at you guys*walks away*
Mal:I'm losing my bff We NEED to apologize asap
                   With Evie
I was walking away when I bumped into someone.
Evie:Hey sorry about that
Gia(I made her up):it's fine but who are you?
Evie:I'm Evie
Gia:I'm Gia nice to meet you want to join me and my friends to watch a movie?
                  After the movie
Evie:That was scary and funny thank you Gia
Gia:no problem*does hand shake with her*
                Evie walks to the halls
Mal:Evie!Where were you?
Evie:Why should I say?
Mal:just tell me
Evie:Fine I was with one of my new friends watching a movie
Mal:look I just wanted to say sorry
Evie:*smiles**hugs her*did you think I was going to replace you?
Mal:*hugs back*yes
Evie:well next time don't think I'm dumb k and don't invade privacy k?
Well do you remember anything
Evie:who is he?
Mal:your boyfriend
Thomas:do you forgive us?
Thomas:good do you know who I am?
Evie:My boyfriend,Mal told me

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