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Evie's pov
So after class,the whole "gang"and their boyfriends/girlfriends all went to the field.We all were talking about diferent stuff.
Lonnie:sooooo who's excited about Cotillion?
Mal:I'm a little nervous
Ben:Why?You don't have to be.
Mal:Well...It's just all the attention I'm just not used to it
Jay:Well you better get used to it.
Doug:That's what happens when your Boyfriend is king
They all giggle
Ben:yup but you still love me light?
Mal:*sarcasm*No because your a wierdo
Ben:But I'm your wierdo
Mal:yea you are *chuckles*
Everyone but Bal:Awwww
Carlos:I'm bored
Jane:yeah me too
Ben:What should we do?
Evie:Well I don't know how about go back to our dorms and meet here tommorow cause it's getting late
Everyone went to their dorms
The next day(it's Saturday now)
Narrator pov
Evie wakes up and goes to the restroom to shower and changes into this

Doug:That's what happens when your Boyfriend is king                    They all giggleBen:yup but you still love me light?Mal:*sarcasm*No because your a wierdoBen:But I'm your wierdoMal:yea you are *chuckles*Everyone but Bal:AwwwwCarlos:I'm bored...

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And her hair like this

(Pretend it's a dark blue)Mal soon woke up and showered and wore this

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(Pretend it's a dark blue)
Mal soon woke up and showered and wore this

(Pretend it's a dark blue)Mal soon woke up and showered and wore this

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And her hair like this

And her hair like this

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