Doug has a Girlfriend?Hospital?

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Sofia POV
Sofia:Doug I-
Doug:It's ok if you say no
Sofia:I will be your girlfriend
*Kisses Doug*
Everyone else:awww
Sofia:Shu-*serously paparazzi is here She thought in her head*

I hope that this relationship with Doug won't be ruined because of me being famous and paparazzi following

Sofia:Let's go in

Me and Doug hold hands

Sofia:I'm going to sleep
Everyone:same Goodnight

               The next morning

I hear whisper screaming,I see everyone surrounding me

Everyone else:ah

I get off my bed

Sofia:what are you guys doing here
Everyone:umm nothing
Sofia:seriously what are you guys doing here?
Everyone:to look at what you have in your room
Sofia:oh ok well let's go make breakfast
Everyone else:k
We go down to make breakfast.
Some ate pancakes with eggs some ate waffles with eggs.I was the first person to leave to go change
I go upstairs to change and when I'm going downstairs I see black.

Mal's POV
I woke up then everyone besides Sofia woke up.We let her sleep in cause she doesn't have work today.We all went into her room quietly not making noises.We were in there because we needed to tell everyone else that Sofia is Evie.

In a whisper screaming voice
Mal:No one wake her up
Carlos:aww look at her sleeping

All of us surround her

Mal:aww my bestie
Ben:wait she's moving
Mal:well no one talk

Everyone of us:ah

She stood up and got off her bed

Sofia:what are you doing here
Everyone:umm nothing
Sofia seriously what are you guys doing here?
Everyone:to look at what you have in your room
Sofia:oh ok well let's go make breakfast

We all agreed and ate breakfast.Sofia ate and left to change first but when we were leaving the table the first thing we see is Sofia faint,then tumbling down the stairs.


We were rushing her to the hospital when paparazzi came.There was a bunch of them.Us girls and Carlos Doug and Chad tried pushing the paparazzi away until Jay and Ben put her in to the car.

P: what happened to Miss Carson
Mal:umm I'm not going to say what happened
P:why won't you tell us?
Mal:It's personal

                      At the hospital

D:Sofia Carson's family?
Everyone of us:yes
D:well she's fine but she broke a foot and a arm but right now she is just resting.Also she will faint more times but she will wake up from them
Mal:Can we see her?
Ben:well lets go

Mal:That fall looked painful.
Sofia:w...w....where am I?
Ben:You're at the hospital.
Doug:because you fainted.
Sofia:why do I have a broken foot and broken arm?
Jane:Cause when you fainted you were at the top of the stairs.Then you tumbled down.
               1 day later
D:Sofia Carson?
D:You are able to leave today.
         Walking out the hospital
P:What happen Sofia?
Sofia:it's personal
              At home
Sofia:Babe I'm bored
Doug:well you can't do anything
Sofia:Yea bu-*faints*
Doug:someone give me water and a fan
Thank you Mal
Mal:no problem
Sofia:oh it's just you
Doug:well yea who else would it be?
Sofia:I don't know an intruder
Mal:Doug and Sofia get in here
Doug:k *he wheels sofia over there*
Sofia:So what is it?*starts to tear up*were only staying here for one more month
Sofia POV
My mouth dropped and I got dizzy again and saw black again.

Doug:Water and a fan please
     After a while
Doug:you guys might want to cover your ears for this


Doug:cover them and you'll find out 3....2....1

Doug:There it is
Sofia:what happened?
Ben:you passed out
Sofia:oh why?
Mal:we are staying here for 1 more month
Sofia:*tears up*why?
Ben:Cause we need to take care of our kingdom.

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